Flight Report - AFR573 (Air France)

You flew an Airbus A319 carrying 0 Cabin Crew and 138 Passengers


Southampton Airport

Departure Information

PLANNED XXXXz Not Specified

ACTUAL XXXXz Not Specified

Ibiza Airport

Arrival Information

EXPECTED XXXXz Not Specified

ARRIVED XXXXz Not Specified

Overall Results




0 / 0


-195 ft/min

@1G (Too Smooth)

Good Flight


Passengers satisfaction improvement after the flight was not checked.


Punctuality Ratings

How well did you stay on schedule during the flight?

Your departure time was not checked

Your arrival time was not checked

The punctuality of this flight has not yet been analysed

Airmanship Skills

How well did you control the aircraft during your flight?


Maximum Pitch & Roll Angles and G-Forces Experienced By Passengers

Max Pitch Up


Max Climb

Max Pitch Dn


Max Descent

Max Roll Left

Max Roll Right

1 g

Max GForce

1 g

Min GForce


Climb Rate Exceedance Check was not checked During The Flight

Descent Rate Exceedance Check was not checked During The Flight

Pitch Down Exceedance Check was not checked During The Flight

Pitch Up Exceedance Check was not checked During The Flight

Roll Exceedance (Left) Check was not checked During The Flight

Roll Exceedance (Right) Check was not checked During The Flight

Positive G-Force Check was not checked During The Flight

Negative G-Force Check was not checked During The Flight

Other Airmanship Ratings

Taxi speed exceedance was not monitored in this report.

Taxiway positioning was not checked in this report.

Runway deviation check during takeoff was not checked during The Flight

Your landing was... interesting? Well done for trying, but we're probably going to have to open a visitor centre for the crater you put in the runway. :)

0 pts Crash Check Not Rated
This check was not performed.

Airline SOP Adherence

How well did you keep to your standard operating procedure?

Transponder during flight phases was not checked during this flight

Transponder set correctly following a mayday declaration was not checked during this flight

Transponder set correctly following an emergency declaration was not checked during this flight

Landing Lights Not Checked during takeoff during this flight

Landing Lights Below 10,000ft Were Not Checked during this flight.

Airspeed below 10,000ft was not checked during this flight

Landing Lights check during landing was not checked during this flight

Ground Crew Communication Skills

How well did you communicate with the ground crew during the flight?

The APU Communications check during boarding was not checked.

The GPU Disconnection check during boarding was not checked.

Engine startup communication was not checked during pushback

Cabin Management Skills

How well did you manage the state of the cabin during the course of the flight?

The seatbelt status during refuelling was not checked.

The seatbelt status during pushback was not checked.

The seatbelt status during taxi for takeoff was not checked.

The seatbelt status during takeoff was not checked.

The seatbelt status below 10,000ft was not checked.

The seatbelt status check when announcing the approach was not checked.

The seatbelt status during landing was not checked.

The seatbelt status after landing was not checked.

The seatbelt status during taxi to the gate was not checked.

The seatbelt status after parking at the gate was not checked.

The aircraft WIFI status during takeoff was not checked.

The aircraft WIFI status during landing was not checked.

The aircraft toilet status check during takeoff was not checked.

The aircraft toilet status check during landing was not checked.

The cabin overhead lighting status check during takeoff was not checked.

The cabin emergency lighting status check during takeoff was not checked.

The aircraft cabin lights status check during landing was not checked.

Cabin Communication Skills

How well did you communicate with the cabin crew and passengers during the flight?

Checking for the 'Welcome aboard' announcement was not performed on this flight.

Checking that the crew secured the cabin for takeoff was not checked.

Notifying the cabin crew to take seat for takeoff was not checked.

Ensuring the cabin crew were seated for takeoff was not checked.

The departure weather accuracy was not checked on this flight.

Ensuring the Cruise announcement was made was not checked.

The enroute turbulence expectation level was not checked on this flight.

The check ensuring the pre-descent notification was made to the cabin crew was not checked.

The accuracy of the pre-descent notification to the cabin crew was not checked.

Ensuring the pre-descent announcement was made to the passengers was not checked.

The accuracy of the pre-descent announcement to the passengers was not checked.

Ensuring the Descent announcement was made to the passengers was not checked.

The cabin crew securing the cabin on time for landing was not checked.

The cabin crew securing the cabin on time for landing was not checked.

Ensuring that the cabin crew were told to take their seats for landing was not checked

Ensuring that the cabin crew had adequate time to take their seats for landing was not checked.

The turbulence expectation level on arrival was not checked on this flight.