Flight Report - SW1485 (SW)

You flew an [B738] Boeing 737-800 carrying 5 Cabin Crew and 188 Passengers


Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International Airport

Departure Information

PLANNED 0126z Wednesday, 05 February 2025

ACTUAL 0125z Wednesday, 05 February 2025

Owen Roberts International Airport

Arrival Information

EXPECTED 0311z Wednesday, 05 February 2025

ARRIVED 0307z Wednesday, 05 February 2025

Overall Results




350 / 1840


-525 ft/min

@1.97G (Good Landing)

Good Flight


50 pts Passenger Satisfaction Improvement
Passengers were more satisfied after the flight than they were before they got onboard - nice work!


Punctuality Ratings

How well did you stay on schedule during the flight?

50 pts On-Time Departure
You departed Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International Airport on-time. Well done.

50 pts On-Time Arrival
You Arrived Into Owen Roberts International Airport On-Time - Well done.

Great work you departed on-time and managed to arrive early.

Airmanship Skills

How well did you control the aircraft during your flight?


Maximum Pitch & Roll Angles and G-Forces Experienced By Passengers


Max Pitch Up


Max Climb


Max Pitch Dn


Max Descent


Max Roll Left


Max Roll Right

1.97 g

Max GForce

0.8 g

Min GForce


Climb Rate Exceedance Check was not checked During The Flight

Descent Rate Exceedance Check was not checked During The Flight

50 pts Pitch Down Angle Was Within Limits
You pitched down within acceptable limits throughout the flight

50 pts Pitch Up Angle Was Within Limits
You pitched up within acceptable limits throughout the flight

50 pts Bank Angle Was Within Limits
Your bank angle (to the left) was within acceptable limits throughout the flight.

50 pts Bank Angle Was Within Limits
Your roll angle (to the right) was within acceptable limits throughout the flight.

-50 pts Positive G-Forces Were Well Outside Of Limits
You pulled up too hard and the passengers experienced very uncomfortable g-forces.

50 pts Negative G-Forces Were Within Limits
Your passengers were not subjected to excess negative g-forces throughout the flight

Other Airmanship Ratings

10 pts Your ground speed was within acceptable limits while taxiing
You taxied the aircraft at appropriate speeds throughout the flight, well done.

10 pts You stayed on the taxiways correctly.
You stayed on the taxiway at all times while travelling on the ground - not only did that keep the passengers happy, but your tyres stayed clear of debris ensuring proper braking performance.

10 pts Successful Takeoff
You performed a safe and successful takeoff without deviating from the runway

-100 pts ENTHUSIASTIC LANDING EXPERIENCED (-525ft / min @2g)
Your landing was... interesting? Well done for trying, but we're probably going to have to open a visitor centre for the crater you put in the runway. :)

50 pts You did not crash the aircraft
Well done - it's always nice to be able to reuse an aircraft after a flight so we applaud your commitment to our cause.

Airline SOP Adherence

How well did you keep to your standard operating procedure?

25 pts Transponder Set Correctly For Departure
You managed the transponder correctly for departure - it was set before pushback as well as during taxi to the runway.

Transponder set correctly following a mayday declaration was not checked during this flight

Transponder set correctly following an emergency declaration was not checked during this flight

50 pts Takeoff Lighting Set Appropriately
You remembered to turn on your landing lights before takeoff ensuring that your aircraft was highly visible to others during your departure.

-50 pts Low Altitude Lighting Was Not Set Appropriately
You flew below 10,000ft without your landing lights on - this prevents other aircraft from being able to see you during critical stages of flight in busy airspace. Ensure your landing lights are turned on while you are below 10,000 feet.

-50 pts Airspeed Restrictions Well Out Of Limits
Your airspeed was well above 250kts while the aircraft was below 10,000 feet. - you are required to maintain 250kts (or less) while your aircraft is below 10,000 feet to ensure the safety of other aircraft.

50 pts Landing Lighting Was Set Appropriately
Your landing lights were turned on for landing ensuring the visibility of your aircraft to any others in the vicinity of the airport.

Ground Crew Communication Skills

How well did you communicate with the ground crew during the flight?

-25 pts APU Startup Was Not Communicated
You did not announce your intention to start the APU to the ground crew

-25 pts Ground Power Disconnection Was Not Requested
You did not ask ground crew to disconnect the ground power after starting your APU

Engine startup communication check during pushback was disabled for this flight

Cabin Management Skills

How well did you manage the state of the cabin during the course of the flight?

20 pts Seatbelt Sign Off During Refuelling
You kept the seatbelt sign off during refueling helping to ensure the safety of passengers in case of an emergency.

0 pts Seatbelt Sign Off During Pushback
The seatbelt sign was turned off during pushback. It is important to remember to turn the signs on before leaving the gate, otherwise passengers might think they're allowed to walk around the cabin and could cause themselves injury.

0 pts Seatbelt Sign Not Turned On During Taxi
The seatbelt sign was turned off while taxiing the aircraft. It is important to remember to turn the signs on while the aircraft is in motion, otherwise passengers might think they're allowed to walk around the cabin and could cause themselves injury.

The seatbelt sign was turned off during takeoff. If passengers had been walking around the cabin this could have caused them serious injury.

-25 pts Seatbelt Sign Off At Low Altitude
The seatbelt sign was off well below 10,000ft which is a safety issue. Passengers should be seated and secured at all times below 10,000 feet especially during takeoff and landing.

-25 pts Seatbelt Sign Off At Time Of Approach Announcement
The seatbelt sign was off when you told the cabin crew to prepare the cabin for arrival. Turn it on first to give passengers time to get back to their seats before the cabin crew start tidying the cabin and preparing for landing.

0 pts Seatbelt Sign Off During Approach
The seatbelt sign was off during the landing approach. You should turn this on in future to signal to the passengers that they must stay in their seats to ensure their safety and also clear the cabin aisles so that the crew can perform their safety checks before landing.

0 pts Seatbelt Sign Off During Arrival Taxi
The seatbelt sign was off during taxi to the arrival gate. This could encourage the passengers to get out of their seats early and either block the aisles or start unloading their baggage before the aircraft is parked which is a potential safety hazard in the event of an evacuation being required.

50 pts Seatbelt Sign On As Aircraft Arrived At The Gate
The seatbelt sign was on while parking at the arrival gate helping to ensure that the passengers remain seated while the cabin crew disarm doors and prepare the cabin for opening.

The aircraft WIFI status during takeoff was not checked.

The aircraft WIFI status during landing was not checked.

The aircraft toilet status check during takeoff was not checked.

The aircraft toilet status check during landing was not checked.

The cabin overhead lighting status check during takeoff was not checked.

The cabin emergency lighting status check during takeoff was not checked.

The aircraft cabin lights status check during landing was not checked.

Cabin Communication Skills

How well did you communicate with the cabin crew and passengers during the flight?

-20 pts The 'Welcome Aboard' Announcement Was Not Played
You did not play the 'Welcome aboard' announcement to the passengers during the departure process. It's important to let the passengers and crew know what to expect during the flight, especially if adverse weather conditions are expected.

50 pts Secure Cabin Walkaround Completed Successfully
You allowed enough time for the cabin crew to secure the cabin before takeoff

50 pts 'Be Seated' Announcement Was Made Before Takeoff
You remembered to ask the cabin crew to be seated for takeoff helping to keep them safe during a critical flight phase.

50 pts Cabin Crew Were Seated During Takeoff
You allowed the cabin crew plenty of time to be seated for takeoff helping to ensure their safety.

10 pts Accurate Weather Observations For Departure
During your announcements you correctly informed the passengers of the weather conditions for your departure.

20 pts Cruise Announcement Was Played
You remembered to play the cruise announcement to your passengers.

10 pts Accurate Weather Announcements During Cruise
Passengers expectations for weather-related effects during the cruise were accurately conveyed during your announcements.

-20 pts Cabin Crew Were Not Notified Of Intent To Descend
You did not notify the cabin crew that the aircraft would be descending shortly.

-10 pts Inaccurate Descent Notification To Crew
You descended more than 15 minutes difference of the time you told the crew you'd be descending at. (Or did not make the notification)

The accuracy of the pre-descent announcement to the passengers was not checked.

20 pts You prepared the passengers for the approach
You informed the passengers that descent had started, allowing them time to visit the toilet before approach.

25 pts 'Prepare The Cabin For Arrival' Announcement Was Made
You notified the cabin crew that they should prepare the cabin for arrival.

50 pts 'Prepare The Cabin For Arrival' Announcement Was Made In a Timely Manner
You allowed enough time for the cabin crew to secure the cabin before landing

50 pts You Remembered To Make The 'Seats For Landing' Announcement
You remembered to notify the cabin crew to take their seats for landing.

-50 pts Cabin Crew Were Not Seated For Landing
You landed while the cabin crew were still walking around the cabin which jeopardised their safety during a critical phase of flight.

10 pts Accurate Weather Announcements During Arrival
Passengers expectations for weather conditions experienced during arrival were accurately set during your announcements.