Hello there! The current release version of Self-Loading Cargo is "1.6, The Interactivity Update"!
Be sure to check out the changelog to see what's new and the development roadmap for information on future releases!

😊 RELEASE UPDATE - 26th August 2024, 1200z - Please ensure you are running the latest release update. See changelog for release info!

Development Roadmap

Self-Loading Cargo is currently in an "early-release" programme, which means it is being continually updated with new features to improve it and add extra functionality.

On this page you will find the most current plans for the software going forward - but please note due to the commercially sensitive nature of some of the plans, some information on core features, additions and improvements to functionality may have been intentionally left out.

A thank you to early-access customers

If you have purchased Self-Loading Cargo during the early access programme I'd like to thank you for your kind support - please know that I really appreciate it.

Version 1.0 View ChangelogView News ArticleReleased August 28th 2019

  • Initial Release

Version 1.1 View ChangelogView News ArticleReleased August 31st 2019

  • FSLabs A320 Improved Interaction For TakeoffResolvedFeedback Requested

    FSLabs A320 does not update the data-ref for "Landing Lights" which is what triggers the Ready for Takeoff phase of flight.

    To get around this, I have retained the ability to trigger this with the landing lights switch, but if the Taxi phase has been activated for five minutes or more, the Takeoff phase will automatically be entered.

    This should allow ample time for taxiing (which starts after engine start).

    This is a temporary fix and will be improved at a later date. Please let me know how you get on as I do not own the FSLabs aircraft unfortunately so am unable to test it myself.

  • Medical/Crew/Tech Issues Can Now Be DisabledResolved

    This version of SLC introduces the ability to turn on or off the Medical Issues, Cabin Issues and Technical Issues via the settings dialog.

    I have set these functions to be OFF by default while the software is in early access because I have been made aware of some potential hiccups, but more importantly some people did not want the features at all and instead wanted SLC to solely manage the passenger notifications.

    So now you have a choice :)

  • Medical/Crew/Tech Issues Are Less LikelyResolved

    I have turned down the probability that these events will happen (if turned on) to prevent them from happening so often (which is unrealistic).

    This will be a configurable property in a future version.

  • Fix to settings screenResolved

    Turning on off the Captain sounds (Positive Rate, etc) now saved settings correctly - sorry about that.

  • In-Flight Services Can Now Be Triggered At The Same TimeResolved

    In version 1.0, when triggering an in-flight service, the other two would be disabled until it finished.

    The idea behind this was that on a smaller aircraft, there would not be enough room for multiple trolleys to go up and down the aisle - however, people have mentioned that on larger aircraft multiple services can be carried out at the same time so I have removed the restriction and you can choose to start services at any time.

  • Automatic notification of future updatesResolved

    SLC will now automatically notify you of a new version if it's available when starting the application. You can of course turn this feature off in the settings if you don't want to be bothered.

  • Interaction buttons now much less fiddlyResolved

    In version 1.0 to toggle between Tech/Notifications/Medical/Cabin areas you had to double click the icons to close the previous one and open the one you wanted - this is now rectified so a single click will switch (like a tab control) instead and it is much nicer.

  • Passengers shouldn't be inclined to need the toilet straight awayResolved

    I have adjusted the settings so that passengers should no longer be as likely to complain about needing the toilet in some cases if they've just boarded - I like to think they'd go to the toilet before getting on the plane.

  • Passengers no longer immediately complain about lack of music after landingResolved

    Anxious passengers will no longer complain about the music being turned off just after landing - there is now a grace period to allow you to start taxiing etc.

  • Cabin music now stops once all passengers are deboardedResolved

    In version 1.0 in the Turnaround phase the music would continue playing with no way to shut it off - this has been resolved by automatically turning it off when Turnaround is reached.

  • SLC now respects the PAUSE button in your simulatorResolved

    If you pause the simulator, SLC will also pause - no longer will you come back to hungry or thirsty passengers after dealing with a phonecall :)

  • Single engine startup will now trigger Taxi phaseResolved

    In version 1.0, the software waited for all engines on the aircraft to be started before the Taxi phase began - this has now changed so that if any engine is started, the Taxi phase will be entered to allow for single engine taxiing.

  • Tweaks to Hunger/Thirst/Boredom LogicResolved

    Passengers will now only complain about being hungry or thirsty if the flight is a certain length - so you can now do short-hauls without losing satisfaction rating for not serving drinks.

    Passengers aged over 18 will complain after 90 minutes (if they're hungry or thirsty)

    Passengers aged under 18 will complain after 60 minutes (if they're hungry or thirsty) because they're children and a little more... whiny :)

  • Boarding and Deboarding is now slowerResolved

    Some people mentioned that boarding and deboarding was too quick - now it should be slower.

  • Instant Boarding/Deboarding now availableResolved

    If you are impatient you can instantly board/deboard the aircraft by double-clicking the Door icon.

  • Improved Accessibility for Blind UsersResolvedFeedback Requested

    I received some fantastic feedback from a blind flightsimmer who uses SLC (and P3D) via a screen reader - I have attempted to make sure every control on the application now has tooltips to assist the screenreader in instructing the user while navigating the interface.

  • SLC Window can be made transparentResolved

    You can now choose to make the window transparent - there will be a future update to control the opacity, right now it is set to 80%

  • Alcohol button now correctly changes colour if service is in progressResolved

    In v1.0 if you started the alcohol service, the button remained red - now it correctly changes to green.

  • Version number is now displayed on the "About" tab in SettingsResolved

    You can quickly check whether or not you're on the current version by visiting the Settings screen and clicking on "About".

Version 1.2 View ChangelogView News ArticleReleased 5th September 2019

  • BUGFIX Fixed Issue when taking off from high-altitude airportRESOLVED  FSX    P3D    X-Plane

    Taking off from a high altitude airport like KDEN causes the "climb" phase to start immediately after the wheels leave the ground instead of the "after takeoff" phase. The flight phase needs to be calculated based on the takeoff altitude, rather than a fixed value.

  • BUGFIX Captain does not announce disembark noticeRESOLVED  FSX    P3D    X-Plane

    One of the sound files was not playing when the doors had been opened and passengers started to leave the aircraft - this has now been resolved.

  • BUGFIX Mousewheel volume adjustment does not save between sessionsRESOLVED  FSX    P3D    X-Plane

    When adjusting the volume of sounds via the mousewheel on the icons, the setting is not preserved between restarts.

  • BUGFIX Activation Issue when internet connection droppedRESOLVED

    During a UI redraw, if the internet connection dropped SLC would be continually trying to authenticate the software. This now does not happen. Additionally, the serial number is now hidden in a password box instead of a text box in case it ever got displayed on a Live Stream.

    Thanks to Lewis for pointing this out. And for having a terrible internet connection ;)

  • BUGFIX Cabin Is Secured sound repeatsRESOLVED  FSX    P3D    X-Plane

    Sometimes, especially on a long taxi to the runway, the cabin crew would repeat "the cabin is secured" - this now should not happen. It was to do with passengers undoing their seatbelts and then redoing them (thus triggering the situation + sound).

  • Edited Flight Attendant SoundsREADY  FSX    P3D    X-Plane

    I am testing some new VST filters to make the cabin crew sounds a bit more realistic - please bear in mind that they were made originally by my daughter to help get SLC going and as such, because she's 10 (and not a flight attendant) they are not perfect - but until we have more sound packs, I will do the best I can with what I have!

    VST Filter is Spaceman v2 (SynthEdit) .. settings:
    Atk: 000,
    Curve: 0,
    Drv: 0,10.000,
    Freq: 35.00/6.5,
    Gate: 100.00/-80.00,
    GateRef: 100.00 / Left,
    Lev: 0/0,
    Mod: 30/-30,
    Noiz: 57/-57,
    Out: 0/0,
    Power: 0/ on,
    Rel: 75.00/250.00,
    Stages: 0.00/0,
    Tone: 22.00/8.9,
    Tone: 0.00/10.00,
    Type: 0.00/Squelch

  • Automated In-Flight Services OptionREADY!  FSX    P3D    X-PlaneContinuous Testing in Progress

    Quite a few people have questioned why the captain is in charge of serving drinks, but an equal number like the option. The answer is because SLC was born originally to replace the cabin-crew features that I enjoyed in FSPassengers so that is why it was included.

    Based on this feedback however, I will allow you to choose either in v1.2 - if the automation is in progress, the interaction buttons will be greyed out - once triggered by the siulator, they will display "Green" with the progress bar as usual so that you still have a visual reminder of what is happening in the back.

    So far I have the automation working as follows:

    • In-Flight Services can be automated via a checkbox in settings
    • A tiny notification label appears under the services panel IF automation is turned on
    • You can toggle the automation on/off during the flight and times will be respected
    • In-Flight Services can still be triggered manually if not automation is active, times will be respected and adjusted.
    • In-Flight Services automation starts when in either Climb / Cruise, and after 20 minutes from takeoff. Services will not start automatically during descent, but you can do it yourself (if you feel ike it - remember, there's a penalty if the crew stop serving without getting through all passengers).
    • In-Flight Movie starts 10 5 minutes after takeoff, then every 60 minutes after movie ends - movie is random duration between 40-120 minutes.
    • Drinks service starts 20 10 minutes after takeoff. Then every 2 hours after they finish.
      If you trigger it manually during the 2 hours, the 2 hours will count again after drinks finish serving.
    • Food service starts 10 5 minutes after drinks end. Then every 4 hours after they finish.
      If you trigger it manually during the 4 hours, the 4 hours will count again after food finishes serving.
    • Alcohol is still manually served for now - not everyone will wish to serve alcohol? Maybe if manually triggered, I could allow it to be automated for subsequent servings? Feedback please!
  • Ensure window is visible above full-screen simulatorREADY  FSX    P3D    X-Plane

    Apparently there is an issue with sometimes the window not displaying above the simulator if the simulator is running in Full Screen mode, instead of Windowed mode.

    Works in P3D and X-Plane but FSX reverts back to "Windowed" mode if you click on the SLC window (or any other addon window for that matter).

  • Turbulence detection needs improvementREADY!  FSX    P3D    X-PlaneContinuous Testing in Progress

    X-Plane isn't always as good as P3D when it comes to announcing turbulent cloud layers to XPUIPC - I may have to do some manual turbulence detection by picking up airframe shaking.

    X-Plane does not supply "turbulence" information in some cases - if this is true, I attempt to use the windshear value to detect turbulence - we'll see how well this works.

    Turbulence Impact has now been reworked as follows:

    • Misc Details
      • If passengers are affected by turbulence, they will now take corrective action - i.e. sit down, belt up. Beforehand they used to complain, but not actually do anything about it so they'd complain indefinitely.
      • Even if passengers are sitting down and belted, there will now be a negative reaction to severe turbulence - anxious people will be affected more as always. Try to avoid turbulent skies if possible :)
      • If all passengers are seated and belted, if turbulence is detected AND the seatbelts are off, a warning about "Turbulence Detected" will display in the Notification area - however, no satisfaction impact will be experienced.
      • This ensures that the flight "trend" will be positive if mild turbulence is happening - because all passengers are seated, belted and feel safe.
    • Light/Moderate Turbulence:
      • Passengers who are seated + belted: no impact on satisfaction rating
      • Passengers who are seated + not belted: minor impact on satisfaction rating
      • Passengers who are not seated + not belted: negative impact on satisfaction rating
      • Anxious Passengers who are seated + belted: minor satisfaction rating + proportion related to their anxiety
      • Anxious Passengers who are seated + not belted: negative impact on satisfaction rating + proportion related to their anxiety
      • Anxious Passengers who are not seated + not belted: higher negative impact on satisfaction rating + proportion related to their anxiety
    • More Severe Turbulence
      • Passengers who are seated + belted: minor satisfaction rating
      • Passengers who are seated + not belted: negative impact on satisfaction rating
      • Passengers who are not seated + not belted: higher negative impact on satisfaction rating
      • Anxious Passengers who are seated + belted: minor satisfaction rating + proportion related to their anxiety
      • Anxious Passengers who are seated + not belted: negative impact on satisfaction rating + proportion related to their anxiety
      • Anxious Passengers who are not seated + not belted: higher negative impact on satisfaction rating + proportion related to their anxiety
  • Sounds should mute when the view is set to "outside"READY!  FSX    P3D    X-Plane

    When the aircraft view is from outside, no sounds should be audible (if possible!)

    This option is unavailable for X-Plane users (does not support reading 'Current View' from XPUIPC.

  • FS2004 Support ConfirmedREADY

    SLC has been confirmed to work with FS2004 and the QualityWings 757. Great work, thanks to LeslieG on the Discord server!

  • FlyUK SkyTrack Reminder IntegrationREADY!  FSX    P3D    X-Plane

    For users of FlyUK SkyTrack SLC will detect if it is running and after a flight display a reminder to submit a PIREP.

  • FlyUK SkyTrack / ProjectFly Reminder ToggleREADY!  FSX    P3D    X-Plane

    I will add an option to allow enabling/disabling the ProjectFly / FlyUK SkyTrack PIREP in case it is not needed.

  • Added Credit to FSUIPC Client DLLUPDATED

    SLC uses the FSUIPC Client DLL to interface with FSUIPC and XPUIPC. I have included this credit on the v1.2 credit screen because I forgot to show appreciation to Paul Henty for his great work in previous versions. Sorry Paul!

  • Flight Report available earlier after landingUPDATED

    SLC now shows the Flight Report button during Deboarding, rather than having to wait for the plane to deboard first.

  • Numerous feedback about the complaints about toilets being a bit overzealousUPDATED

    Passengers will no longer leave it until the toilets are closed to announce that they need the toilets - if they need the toilet, they will go earlier than "normal" if the flight is in the descent phase because they now know that the toilets will shortly be closed.

    However you should also note that drinks and food can continue to serve during descent - so if someone goes to the toilet and then has a drink, they need the toilet again as time goes on and the approach phase is extended - especially if you do multiple go-arounds.

  • Adjusted likelihood of passengers getting up from their seats to a lower valueUPDATED

    Too many passengers were getting up out of their seats - now it is turned down from a maximum of 20% to a maximum of 5%, and the probabilities of them doing so is toned down as well.

  • Safety Notice now has a short delay before startingUPDATED

    The safety notice now has a delay on it when taxiing starts, so that it does not immediately play after starting engines. This feels a little less "mechanical".

  • Boarding Delay & Taxi Delay AdjustedUPDATED

    The time between boarding ending and taxiing beginning has been increased to 15 minutes from 10 before any warnings/penalties are given.

    The time between taxi starting and taking off has been increased to 20 minutes from 10 before any warnings/penalties are given.

    The penalties have been reduced so it only really starts having a majorly negative effect if there is a serious delay.

    This should give ample time to depart airports where taxiing takes some time - i.e. large airport, or busy airport.

  • FSUIPC Message is now clearerUPDATED  FSX    P3D    X-Plane

    Removed the reference to FSUIPC being unavailable, and now shows "Simulator Not Connected" - eases confusion for X-Plane users who do not use FSUIPC but have XPUIPC instead.

  • Instant Boarding/Deboarding Option ImprovedUPDATED  FSX    P3D    X-Plane

    You can now right-click on the Doors button to instantly board/deboard the aircraft depending on the phase of flight

    This replaces the double-click functionality from v1.1 which was a little fiddly.

Version 1.3 View ChangelogView News ArticleReleased 9th September 2019

  • BUGFIXRe-calculate cruise altitude during step climbREADY

    If Cruise is reached, but the altitude increases,a new cruise altitude will be recorded - this will ensure that the descent phase kicks in properly when you start to descend, and not after you descend below the original cruise altitude that was set.

  • BUGFIXNo more fluctuating messages on taxi back to gateREADY  FSX    P3D    X-Plane

    You should no longer get a "Deboarding, Awaiting Doors" message when taxiing back to the gate and using the brakes, unless your ground speed is 0 in which case you've stopped.

  • BUGFIX"Taxiing too quickly" warning after landingREADY  FSX    P3D    X-Plane

    You should no longer get a warning about taxiing too quickly after landing - I have dampened down the detection for this particular warning to give you time to slow down enough to prevent it.


    On some PCs SLC's user interface would lag from time to time - the culprit has been found, so it should be much smoother now.

  • BUGFIXFlight Report Screen - Rating Bug SquishedREADY

    If you managed a "Good" landing rating, your score for the flight report screen was being reduced by 50% when calculating a grade .. I got an E instead of a B.

    This was due to the rating being reduced by 0.5 (50%), instead of 0.05 (5%) ... my bad!

  • BUGFIXStartup.wav now plays correctly from custom soundpackRESOLVED

    The startup.wav can now be customised via the soundpack - it was in the wrong phase and played before a soundpack had been selected from the UI, so it was always the default one that was being used.

    Now it has been moved to the pre-flight phase which makes much more sense - and it plays correctly.

    Special thanks to Harold for bringing this to my attention.

  • FSLabs A320 Takeoff phase now manually triggered again - REVERSION OF v1.2UPDATED  FSX    P3D    X-Plane

    To ensure compatibility with FSLabs A320 (which does not support the landing lights triggering the Takeoff phase), I tried automating it so that either you triggered it with the lights or it triggered itself after 5 minutes of taxiing.

    While this worked, it may not have been desired (and wasn't for many other users).

    I have now updated this by making the automation completely optional (via a "Compatibility" tab in Settings) but also:

    • if you turn on the seatbelt signs DURING taxi, it will go to Takeoff mode automatically. Note - if you turn them on during boarding (i.e. before Taxi), this will not trigger Takeoff mode. This gives the effect of "dinging" the seatbelt sign twice during taxi... so Belts are on ... ding once, they're off... ding again, they're back on ... thus Takeoff is triggered.
    • OR, adding the ability to manually right-click the seatbelt sign to initiate the takeoff.
    • OR, you can still trigger the phase by turning on the landing lights with a switch
    • whichever of the above you perform first, will override the other.

    When the "Takeoff" phase is triggered, a sound from the captain to the cabin crew is played telling them to take seats for takeoff - so this makes sense from a visual point of view while also allowing the people without FSLabs A320 to continue to use the landing lights as normal.

    By adding the functionality for toggling in quick succession, this will also help when HotKeys are deployed and/or scripting via LINDA/MCE.

    This functionality works with ALL aircraft.

    Special thanks to Ralf for his extensive support in this matter and insightful suggestions on how to make it work well for everyone.

  • UPDATEDGround Speed warnings adjustedREADY FSX    P3D    X-Plane

    "Taxi too quickly" warnings will now not trigger until 30kts on the ground. Raised from 25kts in v1.2.

  • Pitch and Roll Exceedance ImpactUPDATED

    I have reduced the impact pitch and roll exceedance has on the flight rating because it was a little bit too aggressive and a perfect flight score could reduce by almost 40% after a single tightish turn - I don't think it should be such a drastic impact on an otherwise good flight ... however if you continue doing tight turns and pitch movements then obviously the score will continue to drop for the duration. A single issue should not kill your score dead though.

  • UPDATEDPassengers secure themselves during exceedance eventsREADY FSX    P3D    X-Plane

    Passengers will now sit down automatically if standing when you turn or pitch too quickly. If they're already anxious, they'll also secure their belts.

  • UPDATEDLanding Rates more accurately calculatedREADY  FSX    P3D    X-Plane

    In previous versions the landing rate was taken as a single value from FSUIPC at the point of landing - now the value is dampened, and taken as an average of the landing speeds just before touchdown because this is a much more accurate way of assuring that the data is not subject to weird spikes based on erroneous data being fed from the sim to FSUIPC and in turn SLC.

  • UPDATEDShort flights no longer incur penalties for in-flight servicesREADY FSX    P3D    X-Plane

    A lack of in-flight service will not incur a penalty any more, so short-haul pilots will not get a perfect rating obliterated for not serving anything.

    • Lack of drinks only gets a penalty if not served on flights over 90 minutes from takeoff.
    • Lack of food only gets a penalty if not served on flights over 120 minutes from takeoff.
    • Lack of alcoholic drinks only gets a penalty if not served on flights over 180 minutes from takeoff.

    Feedback requested - is this realistic?

  • In-Flight Service AutomationUPDATED

    Now you can customise the in-flight service automation further by selecting the items you'd like to automate (if any) as well as whether or not they repeat throughout the course of a flight.

    For instance, you may wish to serve drinks continously, but only one meal and one movie with no alcohol service.

    Now you can.

  • Make passenger manifest availableREADY  FSX    P3D    X-Plane

    Captain K-Man, of Twitch fame and glory, seems to think it would be a great idea to make the "passenger manifest" viewable - so I shall (with the caveat that it is VERY much work in progress).

    Here it is:

    • Watch passengers board/get seated/belt up in realtime
    • Watch passengers stats react as you fly the plane
    • Watch passengers stats react as in-flight services and events affect them
  • Vaccuum cleaner sound can be turned offREADY  FSX    P3D    X-Plane

    It amazes me how some people can't get behind the cleaners doing some sterling work on our dirty planes before new passengers come aboard. Oh well - now you have the option to turn the sound off :)

  • Turnaround no longer attempts to close doors automaticallyREADY  FSX    P3D    X-Plane

    In < v1.2 the turnaround phase (or more specifically, resetting the flight) attempted to close the doors... now, it will not because the gate sound will be playing and it would be nice to be able to start a new flight without interrupting the audio.

  • User customisable timing for in-flight servicesREADY  FSX    P3D    X-Plane

    You will be able to customise the time it takes for each person to be "handled" by cabin crew during each in-flight service.

  • User customisable "probabilities" for all early-access features / eventsREADY

    Tech/Medical/Crew issues can now be either automated, with a probability slider for each, or triggered manually by right-clicking the associated button. You may also choose whether or not a confirmation dialog will show up in case you accidentally trigger the event.

    They can also be turned off entirely.

    Because SLC is still early access, these features aren't as great as I want them to be - although they do work. As such they are disabled by default, you need to turn them on in settings in the "Features" tab.

  • Ability to disable sounds on an individual basisREADY

    If you wish to create a soundpack with only a few files, you can now turn an option on/off to determine whether any missing files will be played from the Default soundpack.

    This will allow you to run SLC quietly with perhaps a cabin boarding sound, and let FS2Crew (or similar) handle the pilot voices very easily.

  • Included an option to hear "the airport gate" while the aircraft doors are open.READY

    When you open the doors during boarding/deboarding you can now choose via settings to hear some additional background noise to represent the airport gate (if applicable).

    This works really well during the Turnaround phase where you have not yet selected your flight details, but the doors are open - it adds some nice immersion to being parked at the airport waiting to turnaround.

    Easy Volume Control: as with other functions such as passenger ambience, boarding music etc, the gate volume can be controlled directly by using the mousewheel on the doors button.

  • Compatibility with Windows Vista (.NET Framework 4.6)READY

    SLC v1.3 will have its requirements downgraded to support Windows Vista which only supports .NET Framework 4.6, as opposed to 4.6.2

  • G-Loading during flight is now average-based rather than instantaneousREADY  FSX    P3D    X-Plane

    Because the g-force is being monitored very frequently, it is prone to giving immediate reactions to the tiniest amount of movements which would be imperceptible to the passengers - now SLC calculates the average G-load over a short amount of time to try to emulate the "real feel" of the flight.

    This will help when it comes to the reporting functionality because tiny spikes will no longer affect the negative rating so easily.

    Special thanks to Andy for his continued input and for suggesting this feature on the Discord channel.

  • Allow special early-access features to be triggered manuallyREADY  FSX    P3D    X-Plane

    Suggestion by Fabien - Special features (which are still under development) are currently able to be disabled via settings - what is nice is to be able to trigger them manually so that you can have them switched off, but if you decide you wish to spice things up a little, you can perform the action manually by right-clicking the relevant icon (at an appropriate flight phase).

  • Remember Last Window PositionREADY

    A nice suggestion from Andy so that SLC will automatically remember the window position you last left it at when restarting.

  • Clean up settings UI in preparation for new featuresREADY

    I have tidied up the UI on the settings dialog so that things are in more intuitive places. This will also assist in adding new functionality when further features are added.

Version 1.31 (HOTFIX)View ChangelogReleased 9th September 2019

  • UPDATEDWindow can now be docked left or right

    If you wish, you can set the SLC window to dock to the left or right to prevent it from being moved around.

    Off by default

  • UPDATEDWindows no longer get "stuck" and inaccessible

    SLC will close the manifest window if the settings window is opened so that they don't overlap one another

  • BUGPassenger manifest sometimes freezes and stays blackREADY  FSX    P3D    X-Plane

    This has now been updated

    • Now supports transparency if enabled on main screen
    • Now correctly terminates if main window is closed
    • Now can be docked either left/right, and undocked from the main window if desired
  • BUGFeature preferences not saving correctly.READY  FSX    P3D    X-Plane
    • These items have now been resolved, and hopefully clarified in terms of operation for those wishing to trigger them manually.

Version 1.32 (HOTFIX) View ChangelogReleased 9th September 2019

  • HOTFIXBug with automated flight services?READY

    I have received two reports of automated services causing an issue - if you have any further reports, please let me know - it would be a great help to diagnose the issue :)

    It was an issue with the alcohol service - sorry about that, download the hotfix to prevent crashes (or don't use the alcohol service until v1.4 if you don't want to update again).

  • UPDATEDWindow Transparency can be adjusted to suitREADY

    SLC now allows you to manually configure the transparency level of the window to suit your needs rather than it being fixed at 80% if transparency was enabled

  • Debug Elements RemovedINTERNAL

    General interface improvements for blind users - now debug elements are no longer needed and will not appear to NVDA (screenreader).

Version 1.4 View ChangelogView News ArticleReleased 4th October 2019

  • Flights can now be kept in a permanent log READY  FSX    P3D    X-Plane

    If you supply a departure and arrival ICAO, your flights will automatically be logged (unless you turn it off!)

    • This data will be used to build up a history of flights that you've conducted, so that analysis can be done on your data such as "average landing rate", "average passenger satisfaction" etc
    • At this time the interface to view these logs is NOT complete - it will be updated in v1.5 on both your online account, and within the application.

    For now, as of v1.4 we will concentrate on you gathering flight data by flying so when v1.5 releases, your reports will be full of delicious information :)

  • Text To Speech support for all eventsREADY

    The Text To Speech engine has been enabled for all events if a filename.TXT is supplied instead of a *.WAV file in the sound packs

    • Independant voices for Captain, Cabin Crew and Ground Crew
    • Independant volume for each voice
    • Independant speech rate for each voice
    • Select any installed TTS voice on your system, and assign a different one to each role.
    • Dynamically adapts to current flight-simulator conditions. Include variables such as {destination}, {altitude}, etc to make the transcripts change depending on what is happening during the flight at that point in time. Documentation To Follow

    More to come on this as it is built out.

  • WIFI Simulation Now Available READY  FSX    P3D    X-Plane

    Aircraft Wifi can now be selected as an option when starting the flight - or you can remain old-school and have "in-flight movie" :)

    • Connection quality is simulated based on Gogo - between 3Mbps and 12Mbps is simulated depending on signal quality
    • Signal quality is dependant on altitude - below 10,000ft the signal will not be brilliant
    • Not all passengers will be using Wifi - so they may or may not get frustrated depending on how bad the quality is, and how many passengers are actively using whatever resources are available at any given time.
    • The more passengers onboard, the more potential users of the Wifi - so the more likely it is that the service will be slower.
  • Cabin crew individually simulated READY  FSX    P3D    X-Plane

    In addition to passengers, cabin crew are now individually simulated for each flight.

    • READY - React in their own way, mood etc in the same way as passengers
    • READY - Seating / Belting separate to passengers and depending on flight phases, cabin being secured etc
    • READY - TTS integration .. "hi there, my name is 'Emily' and I'll be joined by 'Dave', 'Melanie' ... etc
    • READY - Number of cabin crew are assigned based on available seats on the aircraft as per FAA regulations, i.e. 19-51 pax = 1 flight attendant, with at least 1 more for every 50 seats.
  • Passengers can now have individual thoughtsREADY

    Passengers will now have "thoughts" about issues without them necessarily causing a negative reaction - for example "here we go!" when starting the takeoff roll, and "i'm feeling a little hungry" when food hasn't been available for a while.

    This will be important and built upon in v1.5 and up as we start the process of bringing more integration between captain/crew and passengers.

  • Passenger Mood Improvement RatingREADY

    I needed a way to show users an achievement on a per-flight and overall basis - enter the "improvement factor". This way you can see whether or not you improved the mood of your passengers based on their satisfaction rating right at the start of the flight, and that at the end. In real life you'll barely ever have the passengers feeling 100% great, so that shouldn't be the success factor - but you can do things to make them feel better than how they felt when they first got onboard in which case, happy days.

  • Real-time passenger status updatesREADY

    You can now view in real-time what each individual passenger is up to - such as "reading a book", "sleeping", etc.

    This will be built upon in v1.5 so you can see if anyone is waiting for attention - for now it is a pretty cool way for passengers to appear "alive" during your flight and adds a lot to the immersion factor.

  • Weather detection completely reworked READY

    I have completely reworked the weather detection engine so that there are now three phases - arrival airport, departure airport and "current position".

    • READY - TTS will give a weather update to the passengers on departure, and arrival weather (if available). Nervousness may result...
    • READY - Turbulence should be correctly dealt with now, but X-Plane may or may not be brilliant unless your weather engine updates the cloud and wind layers correctly. Let's see.
    • READY - Passengers may get nervous before takeoff/landing depending on how bad the weather is, what time of day it is etc (worse at night)
  • Update to airframe-related event processing READY  FSX    P3D    X-Plane

    This is a major update to the software to better handle the physics of the aircraft and how it impacts the passengers.

    • All Airframe Events Now Moved to Event-based system

      When something happens to the aircraft, everyone feels it at the same time be it turbulence, excess pitch/roll/yaw rate etc. Under the current system in < v1.3 it was possible for passengers to react to events differently because during the course of processing all of the passengers, the current flight values would change. So say if we had 300 passengers, by the time we got through 150 of them, the aircraft pitch / gforce might have changed so the remaining 150 passengers would ignore the trigger event and react based on the current conditions - which was not ideal.

      Now when something affects the aircraft, that event is stored and processed individually - so all passengers react to the values which were present at that particular snapshot of time.

      This means that no matter how slow your computer, the simulation will be exactly the same for every event for every passenger.

    • Passengers still retain their "individuality" and can also still react to non-airframe events at the time they are processed.
  • Doors can now be open without passengers boarding READY  FSX    P3D    X-Plane
    • On turnaround the aircraft doors usually remain open - if you started a new flight, then the passengers would board immediately which you may not have been ready for. Now you have to manually start the boarding process (i.e. tell the pax they can come onboard) after doors have been opened so that if you leave them open, the passengers won't just assume they can come onboard.
    • By default this is now turned ON - but you can turn it OFF to revert to previous behaviour via settings if you so wish.
    • Doors icon will now flash when your input is required - i.e. they need to be opened or closed.
  • GForce Penalties Dampened READY  FSX    P3D    X-Plane
    • GForce penalties for pitch events are now dampened so spikes from the simulator are smoothed out.
  • Update to Steep Climb / Roll Events READY  FSX    P3D    X-Plane
    • Updated penalty and warning detection levels
    • Updated messages to reflect passenger statements rather than technical terms, i.e. "steep climb!" as opposed to "excess pitch!"
    • More realistic (and fair) effect on passenger rating - progressively more harsh as you go further and further into exceedance.
  • Amendment to excess pitch/roll events READY  FSX    P3D    X-Plane
    • Passengers now react to yaw acceleration in the air
    • Passengers now react to yaw acceleration on the ground (no more rally-cross taxiing :) )
    • Passengers now react to pitch acceleration as well as pitch angle
    • Passengers now react to roll acceleration as well as roll angle
  • Added support for "A Pilot's Life" ACARSREADY

    The PIREP reminder functionality will now detect "A Pilot's Life" ACARS system if it is running, and remind you to submit a PIREP once your flight is complete.

    Thanks for Patrick for help on this.

  • You can now minimise the windowREADY

    A small update but for those who requested it, you can now minimise the SLC window to the taskbar.

  • "Top Most" no longer mandatoryREADY

    You can now choose whether or not you want SLC to be the "top most" window or not - a few people have mentioned that they don't like that it appears over other applications, so now you can choose to turn it off - it is on by default though.

  • Door Monitoring Now ImplementedREADY

    Don't open the door during flight...

  • Dockable UI.READY

    The UI is now dockable to the left/right of the screen if required, and you can also choose to attach the passenger manifest screen either to the left or right of the window

  • Notifications RevisedUPDATED

    The notification section of the main window has been updated

    • The update speed has been increased so it feels much more "in tune" with that is going on - previously it only updated every 5 seconds.
    • It only shows notifications for the last 10 seconds whereas it was 30 seconds beforehand - but 30 seconds is a long time, and notifications were largely irrelevant by the time 30 seconds was up.
    • You can choose whether or not you want to see the "passenger thought" bubbles (default is 'on').
    • NO MORE POPPING! When there's no notifications to show, the window won't resize (which is very jarring at times) - instead it will stay as it was - much better!
  • Service Icons UpdateUPDATED

    Service icons are now permanently visible to stop the UI from "popping" into place when various flight phases are reached

    • Icons are greyed out when unavailable
    • Tooltips improved for accessibility during each state change
  • "Beep" when interaction requiredUPDATED

    More audible notifications have been added, specifically to remind you to open/close doors when SLC is waiting.

  • Passenger Manifest window performance improvementUPDATED

    Rather than refreshing the data each time, each line updates individually - this was a known limitation during early-access while this system is being built-out, but it is nice to have taken care of it.

  • PIREP Reminder On StartUPDATED

    A PIREP warning will now also show after boarding to remind you to start your Virtual Airline ACARS system as well as during deboarding.

  • Removal of manual "toilet availability" functionalityUPDATED

    The toilets will still be simulated, but in an automated fashion - i.e., unavailable during takeoff and approach/landing, so the notifications from passengers will still happen.

    • This has now been replaced with functioinality to allow the captain to address the cabin directly - More to come
  • Code RestructureINTERNAL

    Restructured the codebase to make debugging easier going forward - nothing to see here for users, but adefinite improvement of issue detection and being able to rectify issues at my end...

Version 1.41 (HOTFIX) View ChangelogReleased 6th October 2019

  • TTS Weather Report Fix HOTFIX 3UPDATED

    Just a quick fix to stop the TTS from saying "dot" when encountering an extra full stop on the weather briefings (if turned on).

  • Windows now toggleable HOTFIX 3UPDATED

    An addition for Andy - now you can click on the relevant button to toggle the passenger / flight log window without having to click the X button to close. Easier to see, less mouse movement required.

  • Happiness and Anxiety Modification HOTFIX 3

    Happiness is now a direct result of anxiety levels instead of being modelled separately - you can no longer have 100% happiness and 100% anxiety which makes no sense :)

    Additionally, the recovery levels from negative events are improved - so if you fly like a .. trainee ... it won't penalise you for the whole flight.

  • Landing rate much more accurate HOTFIX 3

    Increased the resolution of the timing used to check the landing speed so now it should be much more accurate. It is now on par with Landing Rate Monitor in most cases - although please understand that FSUIPC/XPUIPC sometimes are really unreliable for getting the data out (e.g. replays of the same landing will show different data each time).

  • Satisfaction and Boredom Rating rapidly approached 100% unexpectedly HOTFIX 3

    Boredom rating was being calculated too quickly - this is now fixed. It has the happy side effect that the "happiness" rating is also fixed, because it is the same area in the code which was erroneously running.

  • Pax Drunk / Health Columns were swapped HOTFIX 3

    Drunk rating was showing in health column and vice versa - purely decorational at the moment, but not correct - now it is fixed.

  • Flight Logging failure message HOTFIX 2

    If your flight fails to log for whatever reason, a message will now show up and let you know what went wrong and allow you to retry.

  • Turbulence penalties adjusted HOTFIX 2

    You should no longer get such harsh penalties when turbulence is encountered.

  • Landing rates adjusted - when you do a firm landing you will no longer lose most of your satisfaction level HOTFIX 2

    My bad, missed a decimal point ;) I should really land harder during testing like you guys instead of being such a good pilot ;) ;) ;)

  • "Boarded/Seated/Secured" area has returned HOTFIX 2

    Apparently some people enjoyed it and were very sad that I took it away :)

  • CPU Usage Fix HOTFIX 2

    When large amounts of passengers were simulated, the CPU usage was higher than usual and the UI started lagging - this should now be fixed.

    Additionally, the passenger manifest screen should take up less CPU usage when it is open.

  • FSLabs A320 Windmilling Fix HOTFIX 1

    I have added a fix so that the FSLabs A320 windmilling engines do not prematurely trigger the Taxi phase any more.

  • TTS Fahrenheit Fix HOTFIX 1

    In some cases FSUIPC/XPUIPC does not supply the value for fahrenheit so I have put a fix in place to convert Celcius to Fahrenheit automatically instead.

  • TTS Airline announcement fix HOTFIX 1

    I have added a fix so that the default soundpack does not announce itself as an airline in TTS scripts any more.

Version 1.5 View ChangelogView News ArticleReleased May 2020

  • Better handling of accidental keypressesFIXED

    Deploying the landing gear accidentally by pressing "G" when entering a waypoint into the FMC could trigger the descent/landing stages of the flight which was undesirable.

    There are now a number of checks in place so that if this happens again, it will no longer trigger events early and you can rectify the mistake without incident.

  • Automated In-Flight Services will no longer start until the SID is completeFIXED

    It was possible for in-flight services to start during a departure if the SID was extended at low altitude for a period of time. A good example of this is the BIBOS1D departure out of Frankfurt (EDDF) which, unless cleared by ATC, could have you travelling for almost 25 minutes level at 5,000ft before your climb.

    Now (if automation is enabled) SLC will not start in-flight services until after the departure has completed.

  • Powerful Soundpack FilteringREADY

    Appending the ICAO code of either your destination or arrival airport to a sound file will cause that one to be favoured when playing an event sound effect. This works for every phase of flight. So you might have boarding-specific sounds when departing "-depEGNT" (Newcastle) and specific sounds you want to play when arriving into Paris (-arrLFPG). Simply append the flight phase and ICAO code to your filename, i.e. "captain-welcome-depEGNT.wav" and it will be played. If you have multiple of these, then a random one will be selected.

    You can also optionally specify the time of day, i.e. "morning", "afternoon", "evening" to your sound pack filenames to cause those sounds to only ever be played during a set time of the day in the simulator.

    • "captain-welcome.wav" will play at any time of day, from any location you depart from.
    • "captain-welcome-morning.wav" will only ever be played when departing in the morning.
    • "captain-welcome-depEGNT.wav" will only ever be played when departing out of Newcastle, but at any time of day.
    • "captain-welcome-depEGNT-morning.wav" will only ever be played when departing out of Newcastle, and only in the morning.
    • "captain-welcome-arrLEIB.wav" will only ever be played when flying to Ibiza, but at any time of day.
    • "captain-welcome-arrLEBL-morning.wav" will only ever be played when arriving at Barcelona, and only when it is morning.
    • "captain-welcome-depEGNT-arrLEIB.wav" will only ever be played when departing out of Newcastle for Ibiza, but at any time of day.
    • "captain-welcome-depEGNT-arrLEBL-morning.wav" will only ever be played when departing out of Newcastle and arriving at Barcelona in the morning.

    This also applies to TTS files, although you can also use the dynamic variable capability within your scripts to perform almost the same functioniality - but the option is there at least :)

    This allows you to perhaps have a busy gate sound playing during the day, but a quieter one at night - or perhaps different sounds playing at different airports, i.e. a smaller airport will have a different gate noise to a larger one.

  • Default Sound Pack UpdateREADY

    All digital default sounds are now in MP3 format instead of WAV which reduces the size on disk from 350Mb to only 66Mb without any obvious loss of sound quality. This also means the download of the application will be much reduced once it's released.

  • Revamped Sound EngineREADY

    The sound engine has been completely rewritten to support unlimited sound effects per event which are chosen randomly to provide a completely random auditory experience each time - TTS is fully supported with unlimited scripts per sound event, and either MP3 or WAV files can be used on all events.

  • Improved Window ManagementREADY

    Individual windows can remain open and will remember their positions - this is an improvement over v1.4.x where only one sub-window (such as passenger manifest) would be open at any one time - now you can see everything if you have the real-estate on your screen(s).

  • User-Manual Being WrittenREADY

    Because v1.5 is a major update with a host of new features both under-the-hood and in the UI (and because more features will be coming in v1.6), it will include the first revision of a detailed user manual to help understand how everything works.

  • Option to "muffle" cabin crew to simulate the cockpit door being closedREADY

    You can now select to optionally muffle the cabin crew so that their voices are not so clear when addressing the passengers via the cabin tannoy (as if the door is closed) - when addressing the captain, the voice will still be clear.

  • Better multi-door support and passenger boarding logicREADY

    Because SLC uses the FSUIPC/XPUIPC door data refs, it not only responds to the simulator opening the doors (i.e. via an FMC, for example the PMDG doors page), but it also can set the door state - this is what happens when you click on the main button in the UI -> It opens Door 0, which on most aircraft is the front-left.

    However it does not open the remaining doors which means if your simulated aircraft "Doors" page does not update all of the correct data-refs, only one door will open - and boarding could take ages if, say, you have 300 people waiting to board.

    While SLC does support the additional doors being opened from the sim if the addon supports it, it now also allows you to open the additional doors from the cabin view screen - so if you only want the back doors open, you can do it from within SLC. This works on all aircraft, because SLC updates the sim with, for example, "Door 3 is open". For instance in this screenshot of an MD-11, you can see we have two front-left doors, and the rear right door - passengers are using all three entrances.

    Additionally, if 3 doors are open, the boarding time (if set to random) is now divided by the number of doors open - so it will be 3 times faster than only having one door available. This will be helpful on things like the B747/777/A380 which have a large passenger capacity.

    However if you have set the boarding time to take a specific time per passenger (i.e. to match GSX) then the time taken for each passenger to board the aircraft will remain unchanged - but they will in both scenarios use the door closest to their seat.

  • Aircraft Cabin Configuration Files AddedREADY

    The following configuration files are included in this release (list being updated) for the live cabin visual view:

    • A Default Configuration File (for Unknown Aircraft, Medium Airliner, 3x2, 3x3 seating configuration)
    • Airbus A220, A300-600, A310-300, A318, A319, A320, A321, A330-300, A340-500, A350-900, A380-800
    • BAC Concorde
    • BAe 146
    • Boeing 717-200, 727-200, 737-200, 737-300, 737-700, 737-800, 737-900, 737-MAX, 747-400, 757-200, 757-300, 767-200, 767-300, 777-200, 777-300ER, 787-8, 787-9, 787-10
    • Bombardier CRJ-700
    • Bombardier Dash 8 Q400
    • Embraer ERJ 145, 170, 175, 190, 195
    • Gulfstream G-IV SP Bizjet
    • McDonnell-Douglas DC-9, DC-10, MD-80, MD-88
    • SAAB 340
    • Sukhoi Superjet 100-95B
    • Tuplev TU-154

    This list shows configs that are ready right now - will be updated as the release progresses and the config files are created :)

  • 19 Extra Context-Sensitive Arrival/Delay SoundsREADY

    Now that SLC is aware of a scheduled departure and arrival time, the captain will now make announcements for various events based on the current time of day, and whether you're early, delayed or late for departing or arriving.

    This functionality extends into the Text To Speech support throughout the application, so you will always hear contextual sounds whenever an event happens on the aircraft.

    Examples include saying "good afternoon" at the correct time of day as well as mentioning the name of the departure/arrival city during addresses concerning delays when using TTS.

  • Audible Passenger Reactions To Your FlyingREADY

    Aside from the numeric rating you receive during your flight, you can also rely on the passengers to keep you informed of their comfort level as you weave your way around the skies.

    They will now audibly react to your control inputs, taking into account bank angle, pitch angle and g-force, as well as during landing. From normal chatting, to shouting loudly during bad landings or screaming in terror if you decide to perform combat maneouvers in a 747, this adds a whole new (optional!) level of immersion. Be nice!

    DON'T DO THIS (Click to watch video)

    Don't Do This

  • X-Plane Zulu Time Bug CompatibilityREADY

    X-Plane has a horrible bug which results in the local date being incremented by 1 day if the current Zulu time crosses midnight.

    This can cause major issues with calculating the difference between two times (i.e. a departure time, and an arrival time - sometimes being over 24 hours wrong.

    SLC now allows you to alleviate this bug if you fly X-Plane and fly across a Zulu midnight, by using the system time instead - not ideal, but prevents time miscalculations.

  • Inflight Service Automation and EffectsREADY

    SLC already offered in-flight service automation, but now it is expanded upon by only serving at relevant times - for instance, alcohol will not be served during breakfast time, and meals will only be served at the proper times during the flight - if your flight does not cross a meal time then no meal will be served.

    Times are based on the current "local time" of the aircraft.

    Of course, you can always manually start services at any time - but if left to automation, then the crew will serve based on the correct schedule.

    In addition when starting a flight, the passengers are now generated with levels of hunger / thirst etc which correspond to the time of day - if it's approaching lunchtime, their hunger and thirst levels will generally be increased.

  • Flight Report RevampedREADY

    The flight report screen is currently being revamped and now tries to give you handy hints on how to improve your flying, as well as pointing out which errors you made during the flight.

    More to follow

  • Custom Cruise AltitudeREADY

    A popular request was to allow the specifying of a cruise altitude rather than have SLC automatically detect it - for instance, if you're performing a step climb you may not wish to announce the cruise level has been reached but SLC would detect you levelling off and do it anyway.

    Now you can optionally specify an altitude for your cruise level - it can be brought in via SimBrief as well if you use it.

    As always though this is completely optional and you can manually announce the cruise level at any point in time.

  • SimBrief IntegrationREADY

    SLC now allows you to automatically import your latest SimBrief Flight Plan - in doing so, you will enable flight logging and "late penalties".

    SimBrief will also provide your flight number, cruising altitude (see above) and the correct number of passengers for your flight.

    You can of course set this all up manually by filling in the boxes yourself, but if you do use SimBrief then the ability to simply click a button and be done is really handy.

    Click the image to view a larger version.

  • Manual AnnouncementsREADY

    SLC now allows you to manually take control of the aircraft announcements (if you wish) so that you control when the captain talks to the passengers rather than it being completely automated.

  • Voices can now be selected as a combination of either pre-recorded, or TTS for each "character"READY

    SLC now allows you to use both TTS and pre-recorded voices for each voice in the application - for instance you may now have a digitally voiced captain, and a pre-recorded cabin crew and ground crew or any combination you like.

  • Surface Detection and PenaltiesREADY  FSX    P3D    X-Plane

    SLC will now detect the surface that the aircraft is on during taxi/takeoff, and relevant penalties will accrue if the passengers think you're not on a taxiway or runway.

    Unfortunately, XPUIPC does not seem to expose the surface type property to SLC, so X-Plane won't trigger any penalties.

  • Seatbelt Automation OptionREADY

    SLC will now automatically manage the seatbelt signs for you (if you wish) during various phases of flight.

  • Anxiety threshold added to passengersREADY

    Each passenger now has a "base" level of anxiety which is used to dampen their recovery from traumatic events, i.e. your flying ;)

    What this means is that if you fly in a frightening manner, the passengers will remember what happened and will not recover from other events that make them anxious as quickly. In essence this means that you will not be able to fly terribly at the start of your flight and expect a 100% satisfaction rate, because the anxiety component of a passengers' simulation will not be able to reduce far enough, quickly enough, until the base level of anxiety reduces too.

  • Boarding Music can now be automatedREADY

    There's a new option to automate the boarding music during the various stages of flight if you want to... If selected, the music turns on during boarding, turns off at takeoff, turns back on after landing.

  • Passenger Thoughts expandedREADY

    SLC now simulates over 60 "thoughts" which are contextual based on the current phase of flight - such as "I love this bit!" when taking off, "I can't wait to land" for more anxious passengers and "I hope the flight is smooth" while waiting to get going.

    This helps create a feeling of immersion because the passengers thinking reacts to your flying style - you'll get more positive thinking passengers if you fly well.

  • Simulator Zulu time now in useREADY

    SLC now uses the zulu time set within the simulator for all timings - this is an improvement over using the local system time, and allows you to fly using time acceleration if you wish.

  • Allow specifying departure/arrival timesREADY
    • You can now specify an optional departure and arrival time for your flight, in order to simulate irate passengers if you're running late...
    • Correctly follows simulator time, so time accelaration is supported and allows you to fly at night during the day etc as you'd expect.
    • Different levels of stress for passengers depending on their "type", i.e. those in business seats will not appreciate tardiness (they have a meeting to get to, don't you know).

    More to follow on this

  • Previous Flight Config Is RememberedREADY
    • When starting a flight, preferences for departure/arrival ICAO, sound pack and in-flight entertainment are saved.
    • Upon next startup, previous settings are restored for quick-start
    • Last arrival ICAO is pre-filled as the current departure airport to aid in sequential flights
  • Passenger Boarding Interval now customisableREADY

    You can now customise the boarding interval per passenger using a slider - this will assist in synchronisation with GSX and other passenger addons. Default is 4 seconds per passenger which means approx 13.5 minutes for a 200 passenger load (seems reasonable?)

    You can adjust this during boarding to speed up / slow down simply by using the slider.

    By default, "randomised" boarding is in place - passengers will take between 3 - 10 seconds each to board unless you specify you want a fixed value with the slider.

    You can also "instant board" by right-clicking the boarding icon in the UI.

    Passengers will now each get bored while waiting to get on the aircraft, and also while waiting for departure - more so if they're sat down and waiting. Similarly they'll get fed up if you take too long to disembark the aircraft.

    All settings also apply to the deboarding phase.

  • Toilet Usage AdjustmentsREADY

    The use of the toilets has been improved from v1.4 to properly simulate someone going to the toilet rather than just saying "toilet used" in the notification area.

    • Toilets are only available during the climb, cruise and descent phases - otherwise they are locked.
    • If a toilet is available, any passenger will travel from their seat to it - even if it is not the closest one to them, as long as it is unoccupied by another passenger.
    • Once the toilet is "in use", the length of time it takes a passenger to use it depends on how desperate they were. If you left the seatbelts on and were serving drinks, they may be absolutely bursting - so the time it takes for them to "do their business" when they reach the bathroom will be higher than if they weren't completely desperate.
    • Once finished, they'll exit the toilet they will return to their seat automatically.
    • Occupied toilets are visualised by being coloured orange - otherwise they are green when available, or red when unavailable.
    • Passengers will get frusrated if they need the toilet and the seatbelts are on, or if there are no free toilets available.
    • The level of frustration will depend on how desperate they are to use the toilet...
  • In-Flight Service AdjustmentREADY

    In-flight services have been adjusted so that they are accurately displayed using the visualisation model (if open) and reflect the actual workings of the simulation in the back of the aircraft.

    • Services are defined by start and end points on the aisles of the aircraft
    • Cabin crew who are currently available will be assigned service duty.
    • Assigned crew will report to the kitchen area to prepare for service provision.
    • Once ready, service will begin.
    • Assigned cabin crew will work their way along the aircraft and serve each seat on a row individually - only if a passenger is hungry/thirsty, or if they are not asleep.
    • When services are finished, cabin crew will return to the kitchen area before rejoining the rest of the crew to monitor the passengers.
    • Service times continue to be controlled on a "time taken per seat" value which is in settings.
    • Services can ONLY be started if there are enough cabin crew available to be assigned to the duties - otherwise it will wait until such a time that enough crew are free to perform the service.
    • Concurrent services can only be started if there are enough crew available - if they're busy serving drinks, they won't start serving food for instance.
    • "Busy" cabin crew are shown highlighted on the visualisation
    • As services are completed, the progress bar on the main UI continues to update but you can also see the service completion on the aircraft visualisation because each seat gets "filled in" with a colour accordingly, allowing you to watch the service simulation occur.

    Video demonstration to follow.

  • Cabin Simulation Updates READY

    Numerous additions to the cabin simulation have been included in this update, as below:

    Pre-Boarding Phases

    New in v1.5, as soon as you start a flight the simulation starts affecting passengers. They will now start to get hungry / thirsty and more bored as they wait to come onboard rather than before when they only started having those effects once they'd boarded the aircraft.

    Boarding Phases

    • Cabin crew with nearest seat allocation to an open door on the aircraft will travel to the door in question when it is opened to greet passengers
    • When doors are open, any cabin crew not allocated to an open door will take up a greetng position at the beginning of aisles in First, Business and Economy classes ready to greet passengers as they come onboard.
    • Any remaining cabin crew who are not allocated to a door or a greeting position will simply walk around the cabin preparing it for departure.
    • Once passengers are boarded, cabin crew will mill around the cabin assisting passengers unless they were assigned to a door in which case they will remain in position until their door closes.
    • When doors are closed, cabin crew will mill around the cabin assisting passengers and preparing for takeoff
    • If an exit closes having previously been opened, the cabin crew member will rejoin the cabin preparations. Opening again will cause them to travel back.
    • All FSUIPC-supported doors can be opened/closed (depending on aircraft config file)
    • Passengers will enter any open door at random intervals and proceed directly to their allocated seats via the aisles.
    • Passengers are able to be selected to view their current travel route around the aircraft
    • Passengers are coloured according to their satisfaction levels, and "filled in" if secured (seatbelts) for easy status visualisation.

    Takeoff Phase

    • Once they're all seated, crew will "ding" the cockpit to notify you that they are ready for takeoff

    Climb / Cruise / Descent Phases

    • When not assigned to a passenger or service provision, cabin crew will walk around the cabin.

    Approach Phase

    • Cabin crew will revert to "Preparing for landing" mode, and simulate clearing the cabin
    • Cabin crew will visit each row to make sure everyone is seated and belted

    Landing and Landed Phases

    • Cabin crew will travel to and remain in their seats ready for landing

    Taxi to Gate

    • Cabin crew will head towards all exits during taxi to the gate ready for doors opening


    • Cabin crew will disembark passengers from the aircraft using any FSUIPC-supported door that you have open.
    • When deboarding starts (after engine shutdown), any cabin crew not allocated to an open door will take up a position at the beginning of aisles in First, Business and Economy classes ready to say goodbye passengers as they come onboard.
    • When deboarding starts, passengers will, after a random delay, make their way to the aisle nearest their seat but ONLY if the aisle is on their seat row, and only if the ajacent position is not occupied by anyone else at that moment in time.
    • Upon reaching the aisle, the passengers will randomly delay their exit from the aircraft while they empty their overhead bin of belongings.
    • Passengers will then head to the nearest open exit after collecting their luggage from the overheads.


    • Once all passengers are deboarded, the crew will come away from their assigned doors and start preparing the cabin for boarding again.
  • REAL TIME VISUALISATION of the cabin, crew and passengers READY

    A major new component of Self-Loading Cargo v1.5 is the ability to watch the simulation of the "living cabin" in real-time to see exactly what your passengers are doing.

    Check out the following video showing exactly how it works and how the simulation of passengers actually works :)

  • Less "jumping around" in the UI when things are happening UPDATED

    The items in the notification window no longer switch positions depending on what is happening, they will display more consistently so it is less distracting when the SLC window is in view.

  • Flight Phase Amendments UPDATED
    • After boarding and doors are closed, there's now a short delay before the crew notify the captain that the cabin doors are closed.
    • After boarding and crew have notified the captain there's now a short delay before the captain addresses the passengers.
    • Pushback Phase has been added between Ready for Pushback and Taxi phases - purely a cosmetic update, although the pushback time is recorded internally for reporting later.
    • During taxi, after 15 minutes the passengers will start to get restless. After 20 minutes, a negative penalty will start acruing.
    • Now the announcement for electronic devices will not immmediately play once the After Takeoff phase has completed - instead, it will play once you're at or above 8,000ft above the takeoff alttude and still climbing.
    • After takeoff and switching to climb, an audible "dong" will play to release the cabin crew and allow them to unseat.
    • There is now a slight delay between the announcement for seatbelts on/off being played instead of it playing instantly after pressing the button - however, there is now an immediate "dong" as if the seatbelts light had been turned on / off and then a short delay for the crew to announce the seatbelt sign has been toggled.
    • Descent phase will now trigger approximately 1500 ft below the detected cruise altitude instead of 500 ft because it felt a little too "instantaneous" beforehand
    • Missed Approach is now dampened by five seconds to prevent inadvertant triggering during turbulent conditions.
  • JAR Design Compatibility Improved UPDATED

    JAR Design aircraft do not update the XPUIPC dataref for "master battery" which caused SLC to get stuck on the "startup" phase unless you performed a workaround by assigning a key in X-Plane settings to turn the battery on.

    SLC now allows you to bypass this check by selecting an option in the settings window to allow full compatibility with JAR aircraft.

  • Boarding music now fades in/out UPDATED
    • When the boarding music turns on/off, it now fades in and out rather than just abruptly starting and stopping - it feels much nicer.
  • User Interface Updates UPDATED
    • Nicer "start" screen to allow selecting cabin layout, soundpack etc.
    • "Settings", "Flight Logs", "Manifest" and "Aircraft Layout" buttons are now icons, much more in-fitting with the UI than the large text-based buttons.
    • PIREP Start / Submission notification now moved to the top of the screen near the "current status" area to make the UI less cluttered.
    • UI condensed slightly to save more screen real-estate.
  • Better multiscreen support UPDATED

    If you position SLC on a second monitor and then detach the monitor, SLC will automatically detect that the screen is unavailable and reattach itself to the primary monitor.

  • Taxi Phase Now Takes Into Account Groundspeed (FFA320 Amendment) UPDATE

    Users of the FlightFactor A320 (as well as everyone else) will now successfully enter the taxi phase once pushback begins because SLC will now detect the groundspeed as being non-zero automatically, instead of relying on engine startup only.

    This should also solve the flight at the other end too - instead of going to deboarding straight after landing, the taxi phases should now work.

  • In-Flight Movie Shows Play Position UPDATED

    The in-flight movie progress bar now shows the length of time the film has played for, and how long it will last.

  • WIFI Positively Adjusted UPDATED

    The WIFI was a little too negatively biased in terms of its reliability so I have adjusted it so that it is more reliable at a higher altitude - thanks to TheMarmaliser on Discord.

  • Aborted Takeoff Trigger Adjusted UPDATED

    An aborted takeoff trigger will only activate once ground speed has exceeded 15kts, and then comes back under 15kts on the takeoff roll (provided engines have throttled back). This will ensure that those aircraft (such as the MD80) which sometimes require a high n1 to get moving (especially on high altitude airports) on taxiways will not accidentally trigger an aborted takeoff while taxiing into position.

  • Landing Rate MUCH more accurate BUGFIX

    Completely stripped out the landing rate logic and now it runs in its own thread and is updated much more frequently than before, improving accuracy and not burning the CPU either which is nice...

  • GForce should no longer show eroneous values BUGFIX

    In some cases, FSUIPC/XPUIPC supplied eroneous data such as "105" for GForce ratings - SLC will now ignore these and so they will never be counted as maximum and minimum readings as they're obviously false.

  • Safety Announcement Will Use Default TTS If Not Supplied BUGFIX

    The sound engine will now play the default TTS sound file for the Safety Announcement if your soundpack does not include it.

  • UI Refresh will no longer change passenger count BUGFIX

    When clicking on "start flight" the UI refreshed causing a new random number of passengers to appear in the "number of passengers" box (although the previous value was used) .. this is fixed now to avoid any potential confusion.

  • Fixed crash when internet connection was unavailable and trying to view flight logs BUGFIX

    If no internet connection, SLC will no longer crash when attempting to show the flight log window

Version 1.51 (HOTFIX) View ChangelogReleased June 6th 2020

  • Sometimes the WIFI / Movie dropdown on the flight configuration screen is blank and can cause a crash if nothing is selected
  • Allow deselecting a passenger once selected (so "none" can be selected again)
  • [USER MANUAL] change "boardingmusic" reference to "cabinmusic"
  • Added a bit of leeway for the Landing Lights On For Landing check
  • Make option to use simulator/system Zulu time a little clearer that it applies to all sims, not just X-Plane
  • [SOUNDS] Remove looping artifact from gate sound (sorry!) (downloadable immediately from the Downloads section on Discord)
  • Children are no longer happy when alcoholic drinks service starts...
  • Small children no longer carry luggage...
  • [AIRCRAFT CONFIGS] - Fixed 787-8 Crash On Startup (also downloadable immediately from the Downloads section on Discord).
  • [AIRCRAFT CONFIGS] - Patched Issue with Concorde (all "Supersonic" seats).
  • SLC now goes into Takeoff mode as long as you're going above 15 kts groundspeed and the engines are spooled up beyond approx 60% N1, regardless of landing lights.
  • Adjusted N1 values for detecting takeoff
  • Adjusted N1 values for detecting Aborted Takeoff
  • Added Landing Lights Off after Takeoff Penalty Result to Flight Report
  • Added Landing Lights On For Landing Penalty Result to Flight Report
  • Cold And Dark now requires landing lights OFF in addition to engines.
  • G-Force check will be disabled during pushback so that Better Pushback being over-excited doesn't frighten your passengers.
  • Changed "Are you sure you want to exit?" text to be more user-friendly
  • Allow disabling runway/taxiway surface check for 3rd party sceneries which do not use correct surface types.
  • Allow disabling gforce input checks.
  • Allow disabling turbulence checks.
  • Allow disabling taxi speed checks.
  • Allow disabling pitch, roll and yaw velocity rate checks.
  • Allow disabling pitch, roll and yaw limit checks .
  • Apply slight penalty to pilot grade for each item which is disabled above.
  • Passengers should now no longer get stuck while emptying their overhead bin after landing
  • Bumpy takeoff penalty is now 5x less impact
  • Turbulence penalty now has 50% less impact
  • Yaw on ground penalty now has 50% less impact
  • Add {flightNumber} to TTS (will say "3 8 5" if not 4 chars, or "38 57" if 4 chars long)
  • Add {cruiseAltitude} to TTS
  • Update manual to reflect changes
  • Advanced Cabin Rendering...
  • Crew can no longer step over toilet areas when walking
  • Passengers can no longer step over galley areas when walking
  • Passengers can no longer step over intercom areas when walking
  • Crew will remain in their seats until the aircraft has arrived at the gate.
  • "Gate" sound will no longer continue to play at 0 volume when the doors are closed.
  • Doors can no longer be opened from the aircraft layout if the aircraft is in the air.
  • Adjusted overall "trend" of passengers to gain satisfaction slightly if nothing bad is happening.
  • [WEBSITE] Sometimes flight reports submit multiple times after a flight causing duplicates in the flight logs area
  • Add debug log file to output currently in-use audio output device.
    WPF always uses the "Default Audio Device" - another device cannot be selected so this is not required.

Version 1.52 (HOTFIX) View ChangelogReleased June 15th 2020

  • Investigate issue with departure Zulu time sometimes not showing correctly on flight reports
  • If you disable any of the penalties AFTER a warning or failure on each, that warning or failure will still apply on the flight report.
  • Disabling penalties will not cost you points on your grade, but will show up as "disabled" on your flight report.
  • Passengers should take a little bit of time to empty their overhead bin depending on how much carry-on luggage they have [PASS 1]
  • FIXED issue with flight number TTS if not specified causing TTS to fail.
  • Added "Social Distancing" support to cabin seating - use seat type "U-" for seating definitions in layout files.
  • Add {aircraftType} to TTS so it can say "Boeing 737"
  • Add {flightTime} to TTS so it can say "1 hour 35 minutes" - it will also say "just over an hour" if it's somerhing like 1 hour and 4 minutes to make it a little less rigid.
  • Add passenger belt status to information window on Aircraft Layout
  • If nothing bad happens during taxi to gate, satisfaction should not decline - if anything it should increase.
  • Passengers should not dislike and like the food in the same sitting (same goes for drinks and alcohol).
  • Passengers should no longer say they're looking forward to the food, then say they're not hungry (same goes for drinks and alcohol).
  • Stopping during taxi should not have such a detrimental effect straight away on boredom, it should be more progressive.
  • "Why have we stopped?" should only appear after taxi has started, not just after pushback.
  • "Arm Doors" should be available before pushback starts for different SOPs.
  • "Disarm Doors" now only available one ground speed is less than 5 kts during Taxi To Gate.
  • Anxiety over high winds is a little too much, dial it back or increase the threshold at which point they start to get worried.
  • Allow choosing whether or not the PA system menu stays open after performing an announcement.
  • Include Boeing 747-800 configuration file.
  • Updated ERJ-145 configuration file to ensure services work in the front couple of aiels.
  • Allow spaces in SimBrief usernames (checked, already working).
  • Toilets locked icon now shows in correct format instead of "unhappy" icon - it is now classed as a cabin notification.
  • Aborted Takeoff should now trigger correctly when landing lights not turned on for takeoff.
  • Aborted Takeoff should show the Continue / Return To Gate options automatically.
  • Force window to front if fullscreen is activated [Not Possible]
  • Enable option to enable "debug" window to help in diagnosing issues.
  • Fixed spelling of ground crew on notification icons .. "crew", not "grew".
  • Ugly white scrollbars are now hidden on the aircraft layout screen.
  • Can now select whether to show BOTH, UPPER or LOWER decks on the Aircraft Layout screen.
  • Fixed typo on "I don't want a drink" passenger notification (thanks to Johan for the headsup!)
  • Aircraft Layouts are now categorised by Aircraft Type, and selectable via an extra dropdown box on the flight configuration screen.
  • Disabled "Mute In External View in P3D/FSX" while potential issue with sound fading out is investigated.
  • Ability to turn off landing light penalty.
  • Ability to turn off airspeed check penalty.
  • SLC window can no longer be made 100% transparent (invisible).
  • Safety announcement when playing via TTS shows info-icon like it does with a digital audio file.
  • In-flight services are able to be started simultaneously again.
  • Cold and Dark check now happens AFTER battery is on to assist with some aircraft not reporting landing lights position until power applied.
  • Removed seatbelt permanance timer after announcing turbulence.

Version 1.53 (HOTFIX) View ChangelogReleased June 15th 2020

  • Fixed issue with TTS if flight number was not 3 or 4 characters long

Version 1.54 (UPDATE) View ChangelogReleased July 16th 2020

  • "Disarm Doors" will only sound after engine shutdown, not during taxi to gate - unless manually instigated during taxi to gate.
  • Add "{X} Seats" when selecting an aircraft configuration file so you know how many seats are available on the layout.
  • Add GForce smoothing to replicate the "real feel" of turbulence rather than instantaneous penalties on gforce spikes.
  • Option to randomise cabin music when playback finished.
  • Cabin music will now mute while the digital safety announcement is playing, then unmute once it is finished.
  • Cabin music will now mute while the TTS safety announcement is playing, then unmute once it is finished.
  • Add "80kts" to compliment the "100kts" callout on takeoff for Boeingists.
  • Corrected duplicate captain cruise level announcement when using TTS.
  • Corrected spelling of "flair" to "flare" on flight report. Oops. Thanks to NikM for the headsup :)
  • Corrected spelling of "loggage" to "luggage" on flight report. Oops. Thanks to Oshy for the headsup :)
  • One of the "welcome aboard" sounds says "good afternoon" instead of "good evening" in it, so has been replaced.
  • Added "Oil Treated", "Bricks" and "Macadam" as valid runway + taxiway surface types.
  • Small UI changes on Aircraft Layout page to make it look a bit nicer.
  • Default Deck Filter button now gets selected when opening the Aircraft Layout page.
  • Slightly increased the maximum "vicinity" passengers will look in for a nearby toilet before extending their search to "any toilet" if they get desperate.
  • Changed the wording in Settings for the option of attaching secondary windows to the main one.
  • SimBrief captain name now available to TTS as {captainNameFirst} {captainNameLast} & {captainNameFull}
  • Landing Gear logic for missed approach should now work correctly with the PMDG 747
  • TTS now correctly announces the aircraft type "Boeing 737" instead of the aircraft name which could be "PMDG 737 Air Europa"
  • Filtering of filenames for arrival and departure not working properly when multiple arrivals exist for a given departure.
  • Muffled version of turnaround sound is now included.
  • Much more reactivity to turbulence and your notification of turbulence by the passengers.
  • You can now scale the main SLC window with your mousewheel so that it takes up less (or more) screen real-estate.
  • Autosave and Restore in case of crashes or needing to restart for whatever reason.

Version 1.55 (UPDATE) View ChangelogReleased August 4th 2020

  • Processing of Cabin Layout configuration files is now much more tolerant to mistakes by the author and attempts to correct obvious issues.
  • Updated A380-800 configuration file error on seat E-30K (top deck) which was unreachable due to a wall being in the way.
  • Updated B787-9 configuration file error seats 30A, 30B, 30C were missing and duplicates of 31A, 31B and 31C respectively preventing service.
  • Corrected cabin configuration file for King Air 350 to correctly space entities for generating seating layout (although this has largely been dealt with above).
  • Adjustment to max-scale value on Aircraft Layout screen so that larger aircraft (i.e. 747) can display properly when displaying both decks at once.
  • Scaling functionality on aircraft layout window now increases/decreases much more quickly so you don't have to scroll as much.
  • UI buttons cleaned up a little bit in preparation for v1.6 UI changes.
  • If you put the belt signs on during deboarding, passengers will now return to their seats (just a small detail, does nothing at the moment but will in 1.6).
  • Passengers using the toilets will no longer randomly get stuck in there if a scary event happens (such as turbulence) while they're busy...
  • Autostate should not crash in some cases if SLC was closed in the previous session and the aircraft has changed.
  • Passengers should no longer hope that the WIFI gets better if the WIFI is unavailable as a source of IFE.
  • SimBrief Import failure is handled a little better if an OFP has not yet been generated for the specified user.
  • Passengers who do not get out of their seats, or who get stuck grabbing their luggage from the overhead during deboarding should be solved now. Hopefully! Please! Make it so! :)

Version 1.6 View ChangelogView News Article Released July 31st 2023

  • Self-Loading Cargo v1.6 is a significant upgrade to the previous version and is almost a 90% rewrite/factor of the existing functionality to future-proof the application as it is expanded into subsequent versions.

    While this changelog is quite extensive, please note that it does not include all changes made (there are way too many little niggly bits) - just major features that you will notice during your use of the software.

    I hope you enjoy this update and I look forward to your feedback.

  • Brand new toolbar + windowed user interface
    • Primary communication button allowing interaction without any other data showing for minimal interference with the simulator window
    • New Toolbar interface to enable instant access to all secondary features (aircraft layout, cabin management, narration window etc)
    • Significantly overhauled Aircraft Cabin window to allow viewing Passenger Manifest, Aircraft Layout, Passenger Statistics + Interaction information
    • Autocue window to assist with voice interaction
    • Overhauled flight progress window to show flight state and passenger notifications at your discretion.
    • Dedicated Narration window to assist deaf community in keeping abreast of what is going on with the application in lieu of being able to hear the communications
    • Primary communications are optionally narrated to assist with relevant responses
    • Support for non-English voicepacks (narration will show language used if available)
  • Optional Voice Control for Ground Crew / Cabin Crew / Passenger Interaction and User Interface manipulation
    • Natural Language contextual voice recognition with optional autocue to assist in making announcements.
    • Fully customisable scripts via *.txt files
    • Support for English (United States, United Kingdom, Canada, India, and Australia), French, German, Japanese, Mandarin (Chinese Simplified and Chinese Traditional), and Spanish recognition.
  • Significantly overhauled Pilot voicepack
    • Voice control as well as button and automated support.
    • English, American Voice Packs (complete)
    • French, German & Spanish Voice Packs (available for voice commands, but audio files to follow due to API limits)
    • Over 300 individual audio events with over 5,000 sounds per voice pack
    • Fully customisable voice scripts via *.txt files
  • Significantly overhauled Cabin Crew voicepack
    • Voicepacks available include American, English, French, German, Norwegian, Spanish
    • Support for dual-language for passenger announcements (ie. English then French)
    • Significantly improved two-way interactions between captain and cabin crew via intercom system
    • Support for multi-phase announcements based on what is happening in the aircraft (i.e. if drinks are being served shortly after takeoff they will be announced during the climb announcement - if they are not, they won't be mentioned)
    • Over 200 individual audio events with over 4,000 sounds per voice pack
    • Announce destination name, temperature, etc after landing at over 600 major airports.
    • Cabin Crew to Pilot Interactions (drink requests, welfare checks, status updates etc)
    • Support for pre-recorded airline announcements (before takeoff / after takeoff / before landing / after landing) such as those performed by EasyJet / RyanAir, or dynamic versions from the cabin crew if unavailable.
    • Text-based accessibility/narration window for deaf community to assist in the usage of the comms + events system (so they can see what is being said in lieu of being able to hear it)
    • Automatic volume regulation based on whether the announcement is being made over the intercom, or into the cabin via the PA system - no more need for a "-muffled" flag on sound files.
  • Ground Crew Communications
    • Regional accents for American, Australia, Austrian, Canadian, Dutch, French, German, Irish, New Zealand, Norwegian, Spanish, UK (English) Ground Crew at both departure + arrival airports
    • Over 1900 individual sounds included, with over 60 individual ground events
    • Generic interactions for APU startup, engine startup (including Hotel mode support), fuel loading, passenger boarding etc as detected from aircraft state.
    • Pushback System (via aircraft EFB or SLC using voice, button or built-in automation)
    • Support for single-engine taxi after pushback
    • SimBrief Weights Integration For more accurate loading times
  • Multi-stage Passenger + Cabin Crew Announcements
    • Voice, Button or Automation supported
    • Dynamically generated based on your flight (i.e. can include things like airline flight number, destination, cruise altitude etc)
    • Multiple choice options for certain announcement sections (i.e "the weather will be good", "the weather is expected to be severe" etc.
    • Integrated scoring and accuracy system for flight report
  • Independant/Syncronised Door Management Simulation
    • Door states can now be Closed (Armed), Closed (Disarmed) and Open
    • Ability to disconnect doors from simulator in case of compatibility issues (with MSFS specifically!)
    • MSFS Jetway support
    • Updates the context of voice / button announcements based on which mode is currently in use.
  • Overhauled Pilot Scoring and Passenger Satisfaction System
    • Rebuilt passenger satisfaction and pilot scoring system to monitor not only aircraft handling, but punctuality, communication + communication accuracy.
    • Passengers now have real-time scoring, as well as their overall flight experience scoring (which is used to calculate their individual satisfaction with the flight and subsequently the overall flight rating when every passenger is taken into account). This is based on: "Punctuality", "Communications Accuracy", "In-Flight Service Provision", "Cabin Crew Interactions", "Flight Comfort", "Personal Experience".
    • Pilot Scoring is now based on your capabilities at flying the aircraft safely, your punctuality, whether you made communications as required (and how accurate you were when making them), as well as how well you landed the aircraft.
    • Flight Reports have been redesigned and overhauled for better user experience and more informative structure.
  • Rebuilt Cabin Management and In-Flight Services system
    • New scheduling system to control when services are provided to passengers
    • Support for hot drinks, hot food, alcohol, duty free and in-flight movie
    • WIFI System with 3 modes (Air to Ground, KU and KA Satellite based systems), real-time bandwidth monitor, passenger usage determination and weather attenuation simulation.
    • Intelligence from cabin crew to bring services forward based on passenger needs, and/or communications regarding descent with the captain
    • Ability to manage cabin overhead and emergency lights
    • Ability to manage aircraft toilets
    • Rebuilt boarding music system with automation or manual support and automatic detection of crew announcements to reduce the volume
    • Regionalised passenger names for a more authentic experience when viewing passenger information
    • Simulated (skippable) passenger Check-In / Boarding before boarding starts
  • Extended cabin crew visualisations
    • Arming/Disarming Doors
    • Locking/Unlocking Toilets
    • Welcoming passenger onboard, saying goodbye during deboarding
    • Living Cabin with Automatic passenger requests, or capability to interact directly with individual passengers from the UI into the cabin simulation (Request drink etc)
    • Passenger interactivity via "dong" requests on the passenger overhead, including narrated conversations so that you can see what is occuring when they're talking to the cabin crew
    • Ability to view conversations between crew + passengers viewable based on their interactions throughout the flight (displayed in the aircraft layout UI when a passenger is selected)
  • Performance and Compatibility Fixes
    • MSFS door compatiblity issues no longer a factor
    • External (free!) LUAScript (SLCSeatbeltsXP) to bring seatbelt switch compatiblity to most X-Plane aircraft addons
    • Support for Metric altitude setting in your simulator (i.e. EU and China)
    • Better handling of X-Plane Zulu time shenanigans (including warnings and recommendations)
    • Better FSUIPC communication handling
    • Pause detection
    • Sim-Rate detection
    • Better support for Toliss aircraft N1 issue at startup and Cold+Dark detection overall.
    • Support for non-standard N1 values from simulator (0-100 instead of 0-16353) where required
    • Significantly improved application performance, memory management and no more progressively worse performance as the flight goes on.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Discord Rich-Text Integration to show your realtime flight data to your friends on Discord.
    • Data Export for numerous parameters (altitude, flight phase etc) and optional Stream Overlay Support
    • Online Cabin Layout Online Distribution System (via My Account) to allow sharing of layouts (simply upload then turn on your layout on the website to have it appear in SLC)
    • User Manual is now online with full documentation included for voicepacks (including context scripts)
    • Technical Support system for customers is now on the website.
    • No more installation required - can simply run from a folder.

Development Update (Q4 2023)View News Article Released 2nd October 2023

Version 1.6.1 View Changelog Released 24th October 2023

  • 24/10/2023 ADDED: Scoring System > New Checklist / Scoring System Window to assist in using SLC effectively
  • 24/10/2023 ADDED: Scoring System > Revamped - now progressive (and instant) failures are supported, with dynamic score item injection if/when non-standard events happen during the flight
  • 24/10/2023 ADDED: Scoring System > New Flight Report format on website to display new scoring system
  • 24/10/2023 ADDED: Scoring System > Added support for custom airline SOP for score system [default SLC SOP only for now, will add further airline support later]
  • 24/10/2023 ADDED: Addons > Fenix APU can now be detected
  • 24/10/2023 ADDED: Addons > Fenix Cockpit Door open/close can now be detected
  • 24/10/2023 ADDED: Addons > MSFS PMDG 737-700 Seatbelt Sign can now be detected (including Auto mode)
  • 24/10/2023 ADDED: Addons > MSFS PMDG 737-700 Aircraft Doors can now be detected
  • 24/10/2023 ADDED: Addons > MSFS PMDG 737-700 APU can now be detected
  • 24/10/2023 ADDED: Addons > FBW A320 APU now detected
  • 24/10/2023 ADDED: Addons > FBW A320 Cockpit Door Lock Switch now detected to open/close cockpit door (actual Door state cannot be detected yet).
  • 24/10/2023 ADDED: Addons > Leonardo MD8x APU can now be detected
  • 24/10/2023 ADDED: Addons > Leonardo MD8x Cockpit Door open/close can now be detected (allow/deny switch on Overhead)
  • 24/10/2023 ADDED: Addons > Leonardo MD8x Aircraft Doors can now be detected
  • 24/10/2023 ADDED: Addons > Leonardo MD8x Seatbelt Sign can now be detected (including Auto mode)
  • 24/10/2023 ADDED: Addons > IniBuilds A310-300 Seatbelt Sign can now be detected
  • 24/10/2023 ADDED: Addons > IniBuilds A310-300 Cockpit Door open/close can now be detected
  • 24/10/2023 ADDED: UI > Pushback Mode Selector now two buttons which is much clearer when determining which mode is active
  • 24/10/2023 ADDED: UI > Flight can now be started with the cabin door (front-left) already specified as "open" to bypass introductory crew message - only when not synced with FSUIPC
  • 24/10/2023 ADDED: UI > Cockpit Door button added to "Doors Window"
  • 24/10/2023 ADDED: Sounds > Cockpit Door open/close sound will play when button used if direct aircraft integration unavailable
  • 24/10/2023 ADDED: UI > FSUIPC/XPUIPC Sync button is now an icon to clarify whether or not it is active
  • 24/10/2023 ADDED: UI > Holding Shift+Mousewheel while hovering main button adjusts transparency of application
  • 24/10/2023 ADDED: UI > Quick "Show/Hide main window" menu item on System Tray icon popup menu for hiding SLC from view (for screenshots)
  • 24/10/2023 ADDED: UI > Added Settings button to Flight Setup screens for easy access while setting up
  • 24/10/2023 ADDED: UI > Added "Time Since" information on Narration window to see how long ago a conversation occurred
  • 24/10/2023 ADDED: UI > Voice Command Helper window can now have its options toggled from UPPERCASE to "Sentence case" for readability.
  • 24/10/2023 ADDED: UI > Voice Command Helper window is now displayed in "Sentence case" by default.
  • 24/10/2023 ADDED: Misc > Added "Ignore Crash" settings for both FSUIPC and SLC internal crash detection
  • 24/10/2023 FIXED: Flight > At least one bag must be loaded when starting a flight to prevent deboarding issues
  • 24/10/2023 FIXED: Flight > "Instant Boarding" no longer adjusts the planned departure time
  • 24/10/2023 FIXED: Flight > Departing early no longer adjusts the planned arrival time (but it does adjust the expected landing time).
  • 24/10/2023 FIXED: Flight > Time disparities on UI and prediction results will no longer round up to the nearest whole number (i.e. it will say "4 mins late" if you are 4 mins 35 seconds late, instead of rounding up to "5 mins late"
  • 24/10/2023 FIXED: Scoring > No longer penalised for arriving later than expected landing time as long as it before the planned arrival time
  • 24/10/2023 FIXED: Ground Crew > When "instant loading" aircraft, the refuelling started / complete events are spaced apart a little rather than immediately following one another
  • 24/10/2023 FIXED: Pushback > Yaw Exceedance scoring is now disabled until Pushback completes in case of hilarity with Better Pushback
  • 24/10/2023 FIXED: Sounds > Better parsing of filenames to recognise -arrICAO and -depICAO with priority given to airport specific sounds if found
  • 24/10/2023 FIXED: Sounds > 80kts/100kts Digital Sounds have returned (optional)
  • 24/10/2023 FIXED: Sounds > Cockpit Door functionality now built into Door Management UI instead of Settings window only, and affects volume of all effects when open/closed
  • 24/10/2023 FIXED: Sounds > Primary and Secondary Voicepacks can no longer be the same to prevent potential repetition
  • 24/10/2023 FIXED: Sounds > Custom Safety Notice is no longer permanently muted when "Mute In External View" is not checked.
  • 24/10/2023 FIXED: Crashes > Crash when using custom voicepack as secondary announcement and no narration file found (NullReferenceException in timerSoundPlayer_Tick)
  • 24/10/2023 FIXED: Crashes > AutoSave SLC flight functionality much more stable and will fail gracefully if locking condition found, then try again on next schedule
  • 24/10/2023 FIXED: Announcements > "Take Seats Now" will always be said to the crew if "Automatic Captain Announcements" are selected when they inform you that the cabin is secured for takeoff/landing
  • 24/10/2023 FIXED: Arrival > Crew will now only disarm the doors automatically if either (Ground Speed is below 5kts for 30 seconds, AND the Captain has not announced a taxi hold) OR (taxi lights are turned off)
  • 24/10/2023 FIXED: UI > Inflight Services Window > Overdue services now show time since they were due, not time until.
  • 24/10/2023 FIXED: Scoring > Arrival and Departure times should now correctly display on the flight report, including any delays
  • 24/10/2023 FIXED: UI > "1hr 00 mins" now correctly shows, instead of "00hr 60mins" on flight services setup screen
  • 24/10/2023 FIXED: Inflight Services > WIFI will now be correctly suspended during takeoff at night
  • 24/10/2023 FIXED: Comms > Long safety announcement will no longer result in crew being trapped at intercom if captain instructs "Seats for Takeoff"
  • 24/10/2023 FIXED: UI > Flight Progress window now shows "Planned" arrival time instead of "Expected" arrival time.
  • 24/10/2023 FIXED: UI > Smoother scrolling up and down on Narration window
  • 24/10/2023 FIXED: Cabin Crew > No more "Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello!" when instant boarding
  • 24/10/2023 FIXED: Scoring > No longer penalised for not asking for APU startup clearance if the APU was running when SLC started
  • 14/08/2023 ADDED: French Captain Voicepack now has 5,006 digital translated sounds included for use in "Button and Automatic" modes (see Voicepacks page)
  • 14/08/2023 FIXED: Issue with NullReferenceException causing potential crash during flight if/when rebuilding voice command cache on systems without voice recognition installed
  • 14/08/2023 FIXED: If using Hotel Mode you will no longer be penalised for APU/Ground Power announcements, or Engine Startup announcements.
  • 14/08/2023 FIXED: Corrected an issue which could potentially cause a crash when using TTS with a non-default voicepack and both the in-use and default voicepacks did not have a file for a sound event
  • 14/08/2023 FIXED: Passengers should now finish using the toilet even if you turn on the seatbelt sign whilst they're... engaged.
  • 14/08/2023 FIXED: Crew will now announce all passengers onboard BEFORE the doors close if loading completes before boarding.
  • 14/08/2023 FIXED: When importing from Simbrief using LBS, cargo value will automagically be converted to KGS so no more extended baggage loading times
  • 14/08/2023 FIXED: In-flight movie lengths are now more appropriate
  • 14/08/2023 FIXED: Corrections to volume monitoring which should solve crackly / low-quality sound issues when using pre-recorded digital soundpack announcements
  • 07/08/2023 FIXED: Purser should no longer get "stuck" to intercom in some cases with Cabin Crew are using Text To Speech
  • 07/08/2023 FIXED: Passengers should start using WIFI again (on some layouts they stopped after last update)
  • 07/08/2023 FIXED: Loading should now result in less bags, but each bag will have a higher weight - may improve loading times
  • 07/08/2023 ADDED: Performence improvement - can now turn off Dropshadow on UI (Settings > General > User Interface > Performance) if your video card isn't capable of handling the effects very well.
  • 05/08/2023 FIXED: Possible crash when automatic start of in-flight movie happened for a second time
  • 05/08/2023 FIXED: SLC will no longer penalise pushback issues if using external pushback tool
  • 05/08/2023 FIXED: If primary + secondary cabin crew voicepacks are the same, the secondary will no longer play to prevent repetition
  • 05/08/2023 FIXED: Better handling of SLC startup if flight setup completed before Sim is loaded
  • 05/08/2023 FIXED: Much better handling and detection of local simulator time (especially in X-Plane) which will improve dynamic announcements and in-flight services.
  • 05/08/2023 FIXED: Passengers will no longer attempt to use the Aircraft WIFI if none is onboard
  • 05/08/2023 FIXED: Better handling and display of spurious SimRate warning from FSUIPC on simulator startup
  • 05/08/2023 FIXED: If Captain is in Automatic mode, they will (optionally) say "80kts", "100kts" and "Positive Rate" on takeoff roll and climb (selectable). SOUNDS TO FOLLOW ~15th AUGUST, BUT NARRATION IS WORKING AGAIN AND WINDOW WILL SHOW. Turn on in Settings > Voices > Captain. Event folders for voicepack creators are "Captain80kts", "Captain100kts", "CaptainPosRate"
  • 03/08/2023 - ADDED: Volume slider in Settings for Intercom ringtone volume
  • 03/08/2023 - ADDED: Ability to close SLC without removing Save state (Requested).
    - If you want to come back to SLC later on (or close the app for whatever reason), it will remember its state and you can continue your flight. DOES NOT RESTORE YOUR AIRCRAFT STATE (not possible ;) ).
  • 03/08/2023 - ADDED: Additional checks for saving state on Exit
  • 01/08/2023 - FIXED: SpeechRecogniser crashing on some non-English installations when pressing "Start Flight".
  • 01/08/2023 - FIXED: SimBrief import issue (when using Pilot Id instead of Pilot Username).
  • 01/08/2023 - FIXED: ALT+SHIFT+P / ALT+SHIFT+T shortcuts swapped around in Settings (when mapping to hardware buttons).
  • 01/08/2023 - ADDED: Optional Push-To-Talk Mode for Voice Commands (Requested):
    - Right-click the Microphone icon to toggle PTT mode when using voice. Hold LeftCtrl key to speak.
    - Icon circle changes colour to RED when idle, ORANGE when listening.
    - Speech Helper window text commands display TRANSPARENT when Idle, OPAQUE when listening.
    - Speech Helper window text now contains PTT instructions if turned on.

Version 1.6.2 View Changelog Released 30th November 2023

  • 04/11/2023 - ADDED: GSX Pushback Integration
  • 04/11/2023 - ADDED: GSX Boarding Integration
  • 04/11/2023 - ADDED: GSX Loading Integration
  • 04/11/2023 - ADDED: GSX Deboarding Integration
  • 04/11/2023 - ADDED: GSX Offloading Integration
  • 04/11/2023 - ADDED: If SLC is ready to board, but GSX boarding has not been called, SLC will not start boarding passengers
  • 04/11/2023 - ADDED: if SLC is not ready to board but GSX boarding has started, SLC will start boarding anyway
  • 04/11/2023 - ADDED: When SLC detects GSX passengers onboard without boarding permission, permission is granted automatically since the captain started boarding via GSX.
  • 04/11/2023 - ADDED: When SLC detects GSX passengers onboard without crew reaching boarding positions, passengers are still allowed onboard while crew take positions in the cabin.
  • 04/11/2023 - ADDED: When SLC detects GSX passenger onboard without boarding permission, SLC suppresses boarding permission request event, assumes permission was granted and informs captain that passengers have started coming onboard instead.
  • 04/11/2023 - ADDED: When SLC detects GSX passenger onboard without boarding permission, SLC suppresses "initial information to captain" event if in progress, assumes permission has been granted to board and proceeds to welcome the passengers onboard.
  • 04/11/2023 - ADDED: When SLC / GSX passenger mismatch occurs on passenger count (i.e Simbrief / Cabin Layout seatcount mismatch) during boarding, SLC will wait while either GSX finishes, or SLC boards passengers that GSX did not board.
  • 04/11/2023 - ADDED: If GSX is boarding and numGSXPax > numCheckedInPax, automatically "check in" the passenger so that they may board and remain in sync.
  • 06/11/2023 - ADDED: When GSX is used for Loading, Ground Authorisation is immediately given once the loaders arrive.
  • 04/11/2023 - ADDED: SLC Ground Crew will detect GSX ground crew loading request and connect to the aircraft even if loading is not due yet
  • 04/11/2023 - ADDED: SLC Ground Crew will announce loading the aircraft once GSX loading started
  • 04/11/2023 - ADDED: SLC Ground Crew will load the aircraft at the same rate as GSX, even with multiple baggage trucks
  • 14/11/2023 - ADDED: Close button added to the user interface while setting up a flight to allow exiting SLC without needing the system tray menu.
  • 17/11/2023 - ADDED: You can now manually start boarding at any point by calling the Intercom and saying "Ready To Start Boarding"
  • 23/11/2023 - ADDED: Ability to turn on/off cabin crew commentary on excessively smooth or rough landings after deboarding
  • 24/11/2023 - ADDED: Automatic import from SimBrief during startup (if username set up)
  • 15/11/2023 - UPDATED: Automation trigger for "Cabin Crew Resume Duties" changed from "Flaps 0" to either "Flaps 0 AND altimeter set to 1013" or "Altitude above 3000ft AND Seatbelt Sign OFF"
  • 15/11/2023 - UPDATED: Automation trigger for "Seats for Takeoff" now changed to play automatically when Landing Lights turned on during taxi (if Automated Captain turned on).
  • 15/11/2023 - UPDATED: Score penalty / pass disabled when in Automated Captain mode and "Seats for Takeoff" announced.
  • 16/11/2023 - UPDATED: When cabin is secure, Captain now has options to immediately say "Take your seats" or "I'll call you when you need to be seated" rather than having to traverse the "thanks", and "we'll get seated once you tell us" (if desired).
  • 16/11/2023 - UPDATED: Automation (for the above dialog) when captain is speaking now has 50% chance of being selected over the normal dialog to mix things up a little.
  • 25/11/2023 - UPDATED: TTS {doorCount} variable updated to include LB-x and CAT-x door definition entries when included in a layout.
  • 05/11/2023 - FIXED: Captain should no longer be asked if he wants a "drink/food", or any further "Welfare checks" performed by the crew once "Prepare Cabin For Arrival" has been announced.
  • 05/11/2023 - FIXED: Surface type of "SNOW" and "ICE" now supported as legitimate places for the aircraft to be while taxiing and taking off
  • 05/11/2023 - FIXED: File selection on Stream Overlay template will now correctly recognise .htm/.html file types
  • 05/11/2023 - FIXED: Punctuality description message on flight reports should now be correctly generated when departing or arriving earlier than planned
  • 05/11/2023 - FIXED: If Captain says "Pushback not required", Engine Startup Communication scores [to ground crew] will no longer be active.
  • 06/11/2023 - FIXED: Better engine N1 level detection for an "active or spooling engine" to stop triggering the "spooling without notifying ground crew" score when parked (especially on X-Plane!)
  • 06/11/2023 - FIXED: Cabin Crew + Ground Crew will now announce "around 5 minutes remaining" when asking about board/loading instead of saying "10 minutes remaining" if, e.g. 7 minutes are remaining. They always pick the lower threshold now. Less than 5 minutes will say, e.g. "a few minutes".
  • 06/11/2023 - FIXED: Passengers will no longer wait for a doorway to be free of another passenger when boarding the aircraft and using "non-random" boarding time, so as to adhere to the boarding speed slider a little more accurately when it is set to a fast boarding speed.
  • 06/11/2023 - FIXED: Engine Startup Comms will no longer be marked as "Failed" if Pushback not required from the gate
  • 11/11/2023 - FIXED: Soundpack Announcements (Safety/After Landing etc) will no longer play via TTS output if TTS Crew Voice in use.
  • 13/11/2023 - FIXED: Checklist/Scoring Window "Snap to Current Phase" will now work a little better when re-opening the window
  • 14/11/2023 - FIXED: When securing the cabin for takeoff/landing, when passengers request attention only Cabin Crew who are not performing cabin safety checks will respond.
  • 14/11/2023 - FIXED: If "Short Cruise" is announced to the passengers, any scoring/checklist items for "Pre Descent" or "Top of Descent" are now Disabled and will not result in a Fail.
  • 19/11/2023 - FIXED: If "Automated" Captain selected, LandingTimeExpectationResult will no longer be subject to scoring penalties
  • 27/11/2023 - FIXED: Offloading procedure will no longer fail if Bags = 0 when ground crew connect to aircraft
  • 28/11/2023 - FIXED: X-Plane deboarding procedure no longer dependent on ground crew having been connected to flight deck via comms at any point

Version View Changelog Released 13th December 2023

  • 04/12/2023 - FIXED - "Start Music Immediately After Landing" setting now correctly saves on the Settings screen
  • 06/12/2023 - FIXED - GSX should no longer pause baggage loading at 83% if it suddenly decides it's finished - but if it does SLC will carry on regardless until 100%.
  • 07/12/2023 - FIXED - You can no longer change the Zulu time source (System or Simulator) while a flight is in progress which stops timing errors with events, sounds and scoring.
  • 09/12/2023 - FIXED - Time dampener applied to locking the toilets during taxi, takeoff and approach phases so that it will no longer fail immediately once the flight phase changes - it will give you 1 minute to perform the necessary action (and also the crew if in automated mode).
  • 09/12/2023 - FIXED - Time dampener applied to changing the cabin lighting during taxi, takeoff and approach phases so that it will no longer fail immediately once the flight phase changes - it will give you 1 minute to perform the necessary action (and also the crew if in automated mode).
  • 09/12/2023 - FIXED - New version update prompt will now work again (sorry about that)
  • 05/12/2023 - UPDATED - Cabin lighting controls on Inflight Services window now highlight incorrect settings (as well as applied penalty via colour code)
  • 05/12/2023 - UPDATED - Pushback Mode Selector buttons more prominent to aid in selection clarity during pushback
  • 07/12/2023 - UPDATED - SLC will no longer show "Hotel mode" or "Single Engine Taxi" options when using GSX for pushback (because GSX does not support it)
  • 08/12/2023 - UPDATED - Messaging during pushback (especially with GSX) much clearer and easier to follow
  • 08/12/2023 - UPDATED - GSX Pushback no longer requires a parking brake released confirmation from the captain, because GSX starts pushing back anyway even if you don't tell them the brakes are off (once the brakes are off)
  • 08/12/2023 - UPDATED - LandingTimeExpectation now has a +/- 5 minute window before a penalty is applied based on a lack of accuracy.
  • 08/12/2023 - UPDATED - LandingTimeExpectation now only penalises 1pt if you're earlier than expected, but 5pts if later.
  • 09/12/2023 - UPDATED - Better detection of PMDG 737 being used in P3D/FSX
  • 10/12/2023 - UPDATED - Temporarily disabled the voice commands for the phone system while it is INOP to prevent it from appearing mistakenly during some broadcasts.
  • 10/12/2023 - UPDATED - Better logic when handling loading status + boarding status when it comes to the crew telling the captain everyone is onboard and/or waiting for loadsheet
  • 10/12/2023 - UPDATED - Pushback Mode selector will now display until brakes off to allow selection of pushback mode at any point until it actually starts.
  • 04/12/2023 - ADDED - GSX Boarding/Pushback/Deboarding has had MSFS check removed - perhaps it now works with P3D/FSX (untested) since the variables are the same?
  • 04/12/2023 - ADDED - Voice Recognition Helper titlebar option for enabling / disabling Push To Talk mode
  • 04/12/2023 - ADDED - Voice Recognition Helper titlebar option for toggling Upper/Lowercase text display
  • 04/12/2023 - ADDED - Voice Recognition Helper titlebar option for toggling display of single / multiple voice commands per button
  • 05/12/2023 - ADDED - Voice Recognition Helper titlebar option for toggling randomisation of voice commands
  • 05/12/2023 - ADDED - SLC will now automatically switch to GSX door sync mode, as well as GSX pushback mode if GSX is available when you start your flight (saves a few clicks!)
  • 06/12/2023 - ADDED - Voice commands for summoning "Stairs" instead of "Jetway"
  • 06/12/2023 - ADDED - Digital Audio for /Voicepacks/Captain/Default for summoning "Stairs" instead of "Jetway".
  • 06/12/2023 - ADDED - Ground Crew will no longer always tell you they'll monitor the APU startup when you call them to announce its startup.. only sometimes.
  • 06/12/2023 - ADDED - When filtering to only show one voice command per button on the Helper Window, Voice command prompts should never use the default button value if a custom command is available
  • 08/12/2023 - ADDED - Cockpit Door status will now be scored based on whether it's closed or not when passengers are onboard
  • 08/12/2023 - ADDED - Cockpit Door closure checklist item during Boarding and Loading
  • 08/12/2023 - ADDED - Ability to choose whether or not turbulence detection has a lower limit on the scoring penalty (ON by default to negate huge negative scores)
  • 10/12/2023 - ADDED - Score System now tracking cancellation of unused or inprogress inflight services when making approach announcement
  • 11/12/2023 - ADDED - Support for MSFS Aerosoft CRJ Seatbelt Detection (On, Off and Auto mode above 10,000ft)
  • 11/12/2023 - ADDED - Support for MSFS Aerosoft CRJ Door Detection

Version View Changelog Released 20th December 2023

  • 14/12/2023 - ADDED - GSX Boarding, Loading and Pushback support for FSX + P3D
  • 14/12/2023 - ADDED - Door mode will automatically switch to Crew handling when in FSX or P3D and boarding/loading is completed so that doors may close properly on PMDG 737-800 NGX
  • 14/12/2023 - ADDED - Better support for Leonardo Maddog MD80 (MSFS) with GSX Pro (although there is a bug that means you MUST open the aircraft doors with the aircraft EFB before using GSX or they "lock" in whatever state they were before.)
  • 16/12/2023 - ADDED - MSFS ATR 42/72 compatiblity (Seatbelts + Doors + Cockpit Door)
  • 18/12/2023 - ADDED - Phase 1 implementation of Independently simulated passenger IFEs with dynamic flight data
  • 19/12/2023 - ADDED - Can now hide the Aircraft Layout and Passenger Manifest on the Aircraft Layout screen so that only the selected passenger information shows (along with the IFE screen if turned on)
  • 14/12/2023 - UPDATED - GSX messaging on SLC window will now correctly display the "Bypass Pin Inserted" and "Tow Is Connected" stages instead of saying "Tow is connecting..." throughout the tow connection phase.
  • 14/12/2023 - UPDATED - If you select GSX Pushback + Departure from the GSX Menu before turning on the beacon light, SLC will proceed to start pushback as normal and switch into GSX mode automatically if not selected. This means you do not need to go through the "Call me when you're ready for pushback" dialog before selecting the GSX menu, you can just start GSX and SLC will hook into it. Much smoother. Although, you can still do it the old way if you want to by simply flicking the beacon light switch to tell the ground crew you're ready to communicate.
  • 18/12/2023 - UPDATED - Extra checks added for checking correct status of overhead/emergency lighting during takeoff
  • 19/12/2023 - UPDATED - Hotel Mode re-enabled for GSX users
  • 20/12/2023 - UPDATED - Cockpit door score is now progressively scored and takes into account (ArePassengersOnboard **AND **(is beacon light on **OR **are engines started **OR **has pushback started)) before applying a detriment to the score so you can leave the cockpit door open during boarding
  • 14/12/2023 - FIXED - Door Management Window will now paint better in high CPU usage (or low CPU speed) environments.
  • 18/12/2023 - FIXED - Corrected tooltips on in-flight services setup screen so it no longer describes a "hot movie" :-)
  • 20/12/2023 - FIXED - When announcing single engine taxi after pushback, engine startup communication checks should no longer fail for engines that have not yet been started
  • 22/12/2023 - Updated the deployment to include the runtimes required by Webview2 in case it would not load.

Development Update (Q1 2024)View News Article Released 11th January 2024

Version View Changelog Released 24th January 2024

  • 2nd January 2024 - ADDED - Can now turn on/off the Cockpit Door scoreitem from Pilot Scoring in Settings
  • 20th January 2023 - ADDED - Can now hang up if intercom is called by mistake, or if you simply wish to cancel a call to the purser before they arrive
  • 30th December 2023 - FIXED - Cockpit door status should no longer result in a massively bad score until aircraft has been parked if all other conditions are met.
  • 30th December 2023 - FIXED - Cockpit door status is now closed by default on unsupported aircraft to prevent bad scoring
  • 2nd January 2024 - FIXED - In-Flight Service Scoring Analysis will no longer take into account cabin being secured for takeoff/landing as an in-flight service.
  • 8th January 2024 - FIXED - GSX Pushback mode will not be autoselected if SLC Pushback handling is disabled.
  • 14th January 2024 - FIXED - In-Flight Services Automation can be individually turned on/off even when automation is enabled via the global switch (previously these buttons could not be clicked until going into manual service mode).
  • 15th January 2024 - FIXED - In-Flight Movie Automation can be toggled via In-Flight Services Window
  • 18th January 2024 - FIXED - Incorrect cruise altitude files or announcements should no longer occur.
  • 19th January 2024 - FIXED - Gate ambience noise should no longer play for a split second before starting a flight
  • 19th January 2024 - FIXED - Gate ambience noise now correctly selected by Aircraft ICAO (if file available)
  • 20th January 2024 - FIXED - Inflight Service Analysis now correctly displaying service cancellation analysis even when services cancelled prior to top of descent or approach [from an early-cruise announcement]
  • 2nd January 2024 - UPDATED - In-Flight Service Scoring analysis scoring improved. (-10 for an unannounced service, -25 for an announced service, -50 for an in-progress service).
  • 10th January 2024 - UPDATED - Landing Rating score item is now based on accuracy to the current airline SOP to normalise scoring across airlines with different SOP requirements. Landing rate + Comfort modes supported, Comfort by default.
  • 17th January 2024 - UPDATED - Airframe Force Sensitivity Slider in Settings labeling updated to remove reference to "dampening", using instead "Sensitivity" with "Min / Max" changed to "Low / High"
  • 18th January 2024 - UPDATED - Improvements to selection of sound files based on period of day (morning, afternoon, evening)
  • 19th January 2024 - UPDATED - Where one or more aircraft / airline / flight number / temperature / door count specific sound file is found for a sound event, any non-specific files will be disgarded to ensure that one of the specific ones plays every time.
  • 19th January 2024 - UPDATED - Randomised file selection priority order is now Airline -> Flight Number -> Aircraft -> Door Count
  • 20th January 2024 - UPDATED - Captain / Cabin Crew (Pri+Sec) / Cabin Music Previews on setup page will now play at maximum volume so you can hear them fully as opposed to being controlled by the SLC Settings dialog
  • 21st January 2024 - UPDATED - Taxi score will be removed from potential score on report if not used so no longer causes points loss when calculating final pilot score + grade.
  • 21st January 2024 - UPDATED - Taxi to gate score will be removed from potential score on report if not used so no longer causes points loss when calculating final pilot score + grade.

Version View Changelog Released 29th January 2024

  • 26/01/2024 - FIXED - Issue with GForce values causing crash during approach / landing on non-English regionalised computers
  • 26/01/2024 - FIXED - Weird window position settings should no longer cause SLC to crash when toggling a secondary window [edge case]
  • 26/01/2024 - UPDATED - First page UI updated to be more user friendly and include Voicepack Editor button [Disabled until 1.6.3], Settings and Exit buttons

Version 1.6.3 View Changelog Released 2nd March 2024

  • ADDED - Phase 1 of Audio Manager (v0.1) to assist in managing Airline Soundpacks
  • ADDED - "Announcements Only" mode to allow cabin announcements only if you do not wish to use the fully interactive version.
  • ADDED - Option to play "Attention" noise when passengers are all onboard / offloaded, or "Dong Dong" if preferred - assists "Announcement only" mode
  • ADDED - First stage integration of Fenix A320 B2 PA button to SLC PA System.
  • ADDED - First stage integration of Fenix A320 B2 CAB button to SLC Intercom System to answer / instigate comms with FA.
  • ADDED - First stage integration of Fenix A320 B2 INT/MECH button to SLC Ground Crew to answer / instigate comms with Ground Crew
  • ADDED - Support for both of the above to either highlight 3d cockpit button from the SLC UI, or open SLC UI from 3d cockpit.
  • ADDED - Option to limit voice command display on helper window to only those available on the comms interface currently active on the main UI (off by default, see Settings > General > User Interface > Voice Recognition Helper Window
  • ADDED - "SLC UI" toggle button to Voice Helper window to show/hide the main interface without having to use system tray menu.
  • UPDATED - "Doors to Manual" will now only be triggered in automatic mode if Landing time is 30 seconds ago AND either the taxi lights are turned off, or the seatbelt sign is turned off
  • UPDATED - Better CPU usage and error handling when FSUIPC becomes unavailable (or has not started yet)
  • UPDATED - Passengers will no longer request attention from the crew while they're securing the cabin for takeoff or landing
  • UPDATED - GForce accuracy on landing is improved
  • UPDATED - 80kts/100kts/PosRate will not play if in "Announcements Only" mode
  • UPDATED - Score System now only shows relevant score items based on flight type (Normal / Announcement Only)
  • UPDATED - Landing Rate display on progress window now separates colours for Landing Rate and GForce - only the one which is used to determine the final landing rating will be coloured - the other will be gray. (i.e. if Comfort is favoured, the GForce will be coloured and the landing rate in ft/min will be gray).
  • UPDATED - Landing Rate score on flight report should now show green "pass" colour even if the score is not perfect, until such a point that it is a warning / failure then it changes to orange / red.
  • UPDATED - Better crew intelligence so that tasks which require completion before being seated (when commanded by Captain) can complete even if it means a score can potentially fail (i.e. turning the WIFI off before takeoff, locking toilets etc). Especially in automatic mode.
  • UPDATED - UI Update so Delays / Lateness will now alternate between saying "Late" and "X Mins" on the flight progress window in alternating fashion
  • UPDATED - UI Update so "Off blocks" section will show "Delay" or "Late" during pre-pushback state.
  • UPDATED - UI shows small right-facing arrow to denote extended toolbar on display
  • UPDATED - Crew will play "Dong Dong" instead of "Ding Dong" when cabin is secured for takeoff/landing
  • UPDATED - When instant boarding/deboarding, the "Attention" noise will be used in place of the "Dong Dong" if selected in settings.
  • FIXED - GForce formatting now corrected so that (example) 1.2g is treated as 1.20g correctly, and not 0.12g resulting in a failure on the landing rate scoring system
  • FIXED - Fixed issue with randomly selecting audio files when multiple parameters specified in the filename
  • FIXED - Turning on the fuel pumps should no longer trigger refuelling detection when using MSFS 787 aircraft
  • FIXED - When crew are instructed to be seated for takeoff/landing, any outstanding Freeze/Defrost WIFI() commands will no longer be deferred until after takeoff/landing - so the WIFI should not get suspended at an incorrect time if it does not get completed before the seating command.
  • FIXED - You can now only restore flights if the SLC version you're running matches the saved flight version.
  • FIXED - WIFI should now correctly suspend during takeoff/landing
  • FIXED - Better handling of SLC window positioning when on first run after upgrading from v1.55
  • FIXED - When WIFI not available, WIFI button no longer shows on In-Flight Services Window
  • FIXED - When WIFI not available, IFE no longer selectable on the Aircraft Layout Window
  • FIXED - When WIFI not available, WIFI-related passenger filtering not available on the Aircraft Layout Window
  • FIXED - When WIFI not available, any related flight scores are disabled
  • FIXED - When reverting back to Cruise from Descent (flight level change), all scores related to descent will be reset (unless relevant pre-announcements have already played) so you should no longer be pinged for not announcing descent if you are simply changing to a lower flight level.
  • FIXED - Block time on aircraft layout window now displays from new score system rather than legacy ratings system
  • FIXED - Block Time on aircraft layout window now displays from OFF BLOCK to ON BLOCK time instead of since the flight started boarding until deboarding.
  • FIXED - When "Export Data" is turned on, a previously specified output path which doesn't exist any more will no longer cause the application to crash
  • FIXED - WIFI will no longer turn itself back on if safety announcement is still being played when crew take seats after securing the cabin.
  • FIXED - Cabin crew will not take their seats until safety announcement finishes playing

Version View Changelog Released 6th March 2024

  • ADDED - FBW A320 Overhead buttons integration ("MECH" /"ALL"/"FWD"/"AFT") for Comms channels.
  • ADDED - Leonardo MD8x Audio buttons integration ("INT" + "INT Master", "PA" + "PA Master", "PTT" ) for Comms channels
  • ADDED - Leonardo MD8x Overhead buttons integration ("MECH" and "ATT CALL") for Comms channels.
  • ADDED - PMDG 737 "FLT" + "FLT Mic Selector" (Ground Crew), "PA Master" + "PA Mic Selector" (PA System), "SVC Master" + "SVC Mic Selector" (Intercom) - implemented on ACP for Comms Channels
  • ADDED - PMDG 737 "GRD Call" (Ground Crew), "ATTEND" (Intercom) implemented on Overhead for Comms Channels
  • ADDED - Asobo ATR42/72 "ATTN" (Intercom) and "MECH" (Ground Crew) implemented on Overhead for Comms Channels
  • ADDED - Asobo ATR42/72 "PA" + "PA Volume" (PA System) and "INT" + "INT Volume" (Intercom) implemented on on ACP for Comms Channels
  • ADDED - Added new menu entries on the System Tray icon to facilitate resetting window positions for all application windows in case they get stuck "off screen".
  • UPDATED - PA/Intercom/Ground cockpit integration subsystem completely rewritten to better integrate with the ACP and Overhead on supported aircraft
  • UPDATED - Improved error handling around IFE display while investigating Out Of Memory Exceptions
  • UPDATED - Improved IFE rendering performance and data parsing
  • FIXED - Issue with saving "Favour Fenix Announcements" from Settings screen

Version View Changelog Released 12th March 2024

  • ADDED - Support for JustFlight BAe-146 Doors (Untested)
  • ADDED - Smart Automatic Show/Hide Window Functionality when in Button mode to facilitate comms without the UI constantly showing. [Available on System Tray - "Toggle AutoHide Mode"]
  • ADDED - Option to automatically hide the main UI button on startup (OFF by default)
  • ADDED - SLC now recognises if the Fenix main battery bus is turned on before starting up
  • UPDATED - Crew Message regarding waiting for doors to open will now use relevant GSX terminology if it is in use
  • FIXED - Fenix A320 Ground Crew "INT" button in cockpit flashing when talking to Crew via Intercom
  • FIXED - Correction to landing rate accuracy result when exactly touching down at exactly 1.00g
  • FIXED - Boarding Delay score item will no longer be factored in if using GSX to board the aircraft since it's out of your control.
  • FIXED - Notification window will show "GSX is boarding" if using GSX, instead of "Boarding shortly"

Version View Changelog Released 20th April 2024

  • ADDED - Support for GSX "Forward Pull" during Pushback
  • ADDED - Testing support for automatically starting GSX "Pushback and Departure" mode when entering Pushback stage of SLC. See: Settings > Compatibility > GSX > [X] Autostart GSX Pushback from Menu
  • ADDED - Support for LeftCTRL key to quickly show main UI buttons when in "Button" or "Auto" mode and "Auto Hide UI" enabled
  • ADDED - Progress bar for various pushback stages when using SLC / EFB pushback
  • ADDED - Checkbox in Settings > Compatibility to turn on/off Fenix battery check on startup
  • ADDED - Ability to cancel Hotel Mode start when on stand by communicating again to ground crew
  • ADDED - New SoundEvent (Captain > CaptainCancelHotelMode)
  • ADDED - New Sounds + Voice Scripts for "Captain > CaptainCancelHotelMode" (x3)
  • ADDED - JustFlight BAe146 (MSFS) Seatbelt Sign support
  • ADDED - JustFlight BAe146 (MSFS) Cockpit Door support
  • ADDED - JustFlight BAe146 (MSFS) APU support
  • ADDED - JustFlight BAe146 (MSFS) Cabin Door support
  • ADDED - Microphone / Voicepack (Captain) Testing System on Audio Manager screen
  • ADDED - Flight Map to Inflight Entertainment System (click "View Map" on My Flight page).
  • ADDED - "Check WIFI" page to Inflight Entertainment System when connection is bad.
  • UPDATED - Pushback screen on Flight Information window will now show "Expected In" and "Time" as alternating message
  • UPDATED - Pushback system completely reworked to separate GSX pushback logic and timings from "SLC" and "EFB" modes.
  • UPDATED - Better GSX messaging during pushback
  • UPDATED - Better detection of GSX menu status during pushback
  • UPDATED - Pushback buttons in SLC (Manual) Mode now shows "STOP" in RED, current mode in ORANGE and selectable options in GREEN for improved clarity.
  • UPDATED - Pushback buttons in SLC (Manual) Mode now shows STOP at top, and START at bottom which makes more sense relative to the orientation of the aircraft when pushing.
  • UPDATED - Ground Movement detection now uses lat/lon position instead of groundspeed because GSX seems to use "active pause" style mode when pushing back which results in groundspeed being > 0 if stopping on a slope - even when the aircraft is not visually moving.
  • UPDATED - SCORING You can now select whether or not you wish to allow negative scores to increase with no limits (Hard mode). OFF by default.
  • UPDATED - SCORING You can now select whether or not turbulence factors can allow negative scores without limit. OFF by default (overridden by the above option).
  • UPDATED - SCORING Landing rates now have a 5% leeway around the "perfect" score before deductions are made - whether that be because you are "too smooth" or "heavier than expected". The rating will still show "too smooth" if you are landing smoother than expected though.
  • UPDATED - Better detection of PMDG 737 in use on P3Dv4
  • UPDATED - Switched from Groundspeed detection to Axis Velocity detection for better pushback movement detection in SLC and EFB modes.
  • UPDATED - Re-enabled single engine taxi mode with GSX
  • UPDATED - Hotel Mode Start can now be announced even if the APU is already started
  • UPDATED - Cabin Music volume control slider much better volume accuracy when taking into account "muffle" factor from cockpit door
  • UPDATED - ComplexAnnouncements now have defaults assigned and the default one will always play in automation [staging functionality for more intelligent automatic selection]
  • UPDATED - ComplexAnnouncements will now show a thicker left border next to them on the voice recognition window if they are the default recommended selection
  • UPDATED - Much more efficient detection of turbulence and better dampening to spread the detection out a bit more over time
  • UPDATED - More lenient turbulence levels to cut down on spurious readings when turbulence is obviously not occuring
  • UPDATED - More efficient detection of doors from third party aircraft
  • UPDATED - Simbrief no longer causes UI lag when importing
  • FIXED - "Not Calculated" being generated for landing rate result during some landings
  • FIXED - Pushback phase on flight window no longer shows an arrival time of 0142z
  • FIXED - AutoHide functionality potentially causing SLC to crash when exiting the application instead of exiting cleanly
  • FIXED - During SLC/EFB Pushback, Captain will no longer (if enabled) automatically announce "Arm Doors" to the crew so the Pushback comms window will not disappear. Instead, the purser will will make the announcement to the crew.
  • FIXED - "Hangup" sound will now play after crew announcing loadsheet from ground and captain says "Thanks"
  • FIXED - APU Startup confirmation will no longer be announced in flight or if the crew are not connected to the aircraft if you start the APU during flight
  • FIXED - Progress window will no longer show incorrect default information on initial paint
  • FIXED - IFE Memory issues now solved
  • FIXED - IFE Performance improved, including pre-loading screen to assist in slower rendering environments
  • FIXED - Luggage value will no longer remain at 0 if SimBrief doesn't provide Cargo value - SLC will automatically create a valid amount of passenger luggage.

Version View Changelog Released 26th April 2024

  • ADDED - Weather detection now supports ActiveSky MSFS API in both Preset and Passive mode
  • ADDED - Weather automatically read from ActiveSky MSFS if running (Current position, Departure + Arrival airports)
  • ADDED - Support for "Pull" mode with Better Pushback (X-Plane)
  • UPDATED - Made some logic optimisations which improves voice recognition accuracy and application performance (CPU usage improved)
  • UPDATED - Weather system rewritten to route all 3rd party (and FSUIPC/XPUIPC) through same logic and allow for more integrations in future.
  • UPDATED - Weather reading logic separated for X-Plane (because no doubt XPUIPC+ will introduce some fun of its own when it is out of Beta).
  • UPDATED - Weather system can now detect wind speed and direction from METAR
  • UPDATED - Weather now no longer retrieved from Simbrief when importing flight as not needed
  • UPDATED - "FSUIPC only" mode weather will now detect wind speed + direction at current position
  • UPDATED - "FSUIPC only" mode weather will now use VATSIM for arrival and departure airport METARs due to sim limitations
  • UPDATED - Passengers will now react to wind speeds in MSFS ("Nervous about the windy weather!") when on ground before takeoff
  • UPDATED - Better Pushback compatibility improved in X-Plane
  • UPDATED - Pushback system (SLC mode) should automatically engage if movement detected before expected, to prevent aircraft from rolling out of position in an uncontrolled manner.
  • UPDATED - When selecting "Skip Boarding and Loading" on the flight setup screen, departure time will be set to current time + 10 minutes.
  • FIXED - Corrected spelling error "grtound crew" is "ground crew" in one of the passenger thoughts
  • FIXED - ComplexAnnouncement logic adjusted so that the short cruise is no longer selected as default when in automatic mode.
  • FIXED - APU RPM detection on X-Plane
  • FIXED - No longer spurious intercom call in Fenix A320 when releasing crew after takeoff (in automatic mode)

Version View Changelog Released 28th May 2024

  • ADDED - Automatic GSX boarding start when boarding time reached (turn on in Settings > Compatibility > GSX)
  • ADDED - Automatic GSX deboarding start when ground crew connect at arrival gate (turn on in Settings > Compatibility > GSX)
  • ADDED - Automatic GSX loading start when loading time reached (turn on in Settings > Compatiblity > GSX) * shared with boarding at the moment until GSX separates boarding and loading
  • ADDED - Ability to request a GSX jetway connection via ground crew (+ Captain voicepack file)
  • ADDED - Ability to request a GSX stair connection via ground crew (+ Captain voicepack file)
  • ADDED - Ability to request a GSX jetway detachment via ground crew (+ Captain voicepack file)
  • ADDED - Ability to request a GSX stair disconnection via ground crew (+ Captain voicepack file)
  • ADDED - "-tempFREEZING|-tempCOLD|-tempNORMAL|-tempCOMFORTABLE|-tempHOT|-tempVERYHOT" filename variables to complement "-tempCxx" to aid in creating voicepacks more quickly.
  • ADDED - CaptainWelcomeAwaitingGroundCrewRefuelling event to Welcome announcement if aircraft is currently refuelling (+ Captain voicepack file)
  • ADDED - Automated ComplexAnnouncements should now be a little more intelligent regarding refuelling, departure delay, arrival delays, departure weather and arrival weather so there will be more variation in the announcements under different conditions.
  • ADDED - Option to allow turning on/off the jetway / stairs reminders from the cabin crew before boarding starts: Settings > Sounds > Cabin Crew > Captain Comms > [X] Allow Door Reminders Before Boarding
  • ADDED - Support for Inibuilds A320neo (v2) Seatbelt Sign switch
  • ADDED - Support for Inibuilds A320neo (v2) APU
  • ADDED - Support for Inibuilds A320neo (v2) Cockpit Door
  • UPDATED - Improved GSX status monitoring code - less susceptible to momentary glitches in FSUIPC data.
  • UPDATED - Improved GSX availability check during Pushback
  • UPDATED - GSX auto-pushback select will automatically close GSX menu
  • UPDATED - Flight Progress Window will show GSX boarding and loading status, instead of just "in progress"
  • UPDATED - "Clear to deboard" buttons on UI now say "Via Stairs" or "Via Jetway"
  • UPDATED - Cabin Crew should no longer ask for permission to board when GSX starts sending passengers down (it is assumed).
  • UPDATED - Manual showing new -temp variables for v1.6.3.5
  • FIXED - Button to release cabin crew is now available again in "automated mode" when crew are seated so you can choose to perform the function manually.
  • FIXED - TTS speech when crew speaking to passengers should now be muffled when the cockpit door is closed.
  • FIXED - TTS speech now correctly adheres to the slider volume control at all specified values.
  • FIXED - Pre-departure announcement / C-19 announcements can no longer begin if purser is talking on intercom with captain.
  • FIXED - Communications icon should no longer momentarily hide itself while UI updates.
  • FIXED - Missed approach announcement buttons should no longer flicker if flight phase changes during their display

Version View Changelog Released 23rd June 2024

  • ADDED - An option to "Settings > Compatibility > GSX" to allow switching pushback to EFB mode or SLC mode if GSX or Couatl randomly disconnect during pushback
  • ADDED - SLC will now default to EFB mode during pushback if GSX or Couatl randomly disconnects
  • ADDED - New event (and sounds) for Captain Five/Fifteen/TwentyFive TOD estimation on Intercom
  • ADDED - Support for TFDI Design MD-11 Seatbelt Sign
  • ADDED - Cabin Crew Boarding Phase 1 (Staggered check-in, staggered arrival onboard time etc)
  • ADDED - Support for GSX Cabin Crew boarding sequence
  • ADDED - Option to wait for GSX Cabin Crew to Board or board them immediately once they've checked in.
  • ADDED - Cabin Crew will now store belongings before performing duties when they board the aircraft.
  • ADDED - Intercom functionality separated from requirement for crew to be onboard (will ring indefinitely if not picked up by purser)
  • ADDED - If doors closed and no cabin crew onboard, you must manually open the doors either from your EFB, or the door management window. Or connect a jetway.
  • ADDED - Support for ElevenLabs API for Text To Speech (Captain)
  • ADDED - Support for ElevenLabs API for Text to Speech (Cabin Crew)
  • ADDED - Support for PlayHT API for Text To Speech (Captain)
  • ADDED - Support for PlayHT API for Text To Speech (Cabin Crew)
  • ADDED - Cache to allow TTS API generated sounds to be permanently stored to save character count
  • ADDED - BiLingual support to Cabin Crew TTS
  • ADDED - Cross-TTS-Service support for Bi-Lingual Cabin Crew TTS
  • ADDED - Voice cache clearing facility with confirmation dialogs
  • ADDED - Automatic fallback setting (ON) from TTS back to Voicepack for future sounds being played in case of audio generation failure / service failure / running out of characters.
  • UPDATED - Voice recognition is much less CPU intensive
  • UPDATED - If turning on speech recognition takes a while, a "loading icon" will display in the comms icon
  • UPDATED - Major refactoring of addon aircraft variable detection to improve efficiency
  • UPDATED - Crew WIFI manipulation process improved during taxi, takeoff and landing phases.
  • UPDATED - Individual Captain/Cabin Crew TTS Volume sliders removed, now controlled via relevant Master volume sliders.
  • UPDATED - Settings Window now requires settings to be Applied via a button rather than changing immediately when selecting different options.
  • UPDATED - Better responsiveness on flight setup initial screen
  • UPDATED - Changed Preview buttons on flight setup initial screen to be icons instead of buttons for better screen real-estate usage
  • UPDATED - Disabled Ground Crew TTS functionality (temporarily to ensure TTS works for Cabin Crew during pushback until workaround can be achieved for dual TTS overlap)
  • UPDATED - SLC will no longer automatically start the GSX boarding sequence with the Fenix A320, you must start it from the EFB to keep everything in sync
  • FIXED - "Release the cabin crew" will now play a "Ding" beforehand when in automated mode.
  • FIXED - "Release the cabin crew" will now automatically close the comms tannoy if open
  • FIXED - Turning on speech recognition via middle-mouse button no longer freezes the UI in some cases when loading available commands.
  • FIXED - ArrivalDelayExpectation changed to ArrivalDelayReason so automated TOD notification will not blame ATC at the arrival airport for a flight that was delayed at departure
  • FIXED - SLC will no longer crash if HttpStatus => BadRequest is returned from Simbrief
  • FIXED - When Cabin Crew tell Captain everyone is offloaded, the "Awaiting Response" captain will no longer show on the communication area.
  • FIXED - Automatic Cache cleaning now working more effectively
  • FIXED - Ground Crew folder pre-selection corrected when loading Settings window

Version (HOTFIX)View Changelog Released 25th June 2024

  • FIXED - Updated ElevenLabsAPI to prevent crashing when importing "Cloned" and "Marketplace" voices (and enable support for them)
  • FIXED - Deboarding functionality if in Simple Announcement mode where Captain unavailable

Version Changelog Released 1st July 2024

  • ADDED - Checkbox to allow for already having the crew onboard the aircraft when flight starts
  • ADDED - Checklist item for "Cabin Crew Boarded"
  • ADDED - Purser name now imported from Simbrief where available (for TTS)
  • ADDED - Warning message if no preview sample is available when checking TTS voices
  • ADDED - PMDG 777-300ER Integration (PA System, Ground Crew, Intercom) on Audio Panel 1.
  • ADDED - PMDG 777-300ER Door integration
  • ADDED - PMDG 777-300ER Seatbelt Sign integration
  • ADDED - PMDG 777-300ER APU integration
  • UPDATED - Aircraft Layout design tweaked so it looks nicer with new icons, more prominent emergency lighting etc.
  • UPDATED - Kitchen areas will now be "fitted with walls" to layout better based on their position and proximity to one another.
  • UPDATED - ElevenLabs now using /stream endpoint so should be much faster for TTS
  • UPDATED - When receiving information from gate security, GSX users can now defer boarding as opposed to boarding starting immediately.
  • UPDATED - In-flight Services will no longer deal with unoccupied seats, speeding up the services and securing the cabin
  • UPDATED - Captain name now no longer in uppercase during TTS announcements
  • UPDATED - Doors opening/closing should no longer interrupt dialog between characters
  • UPDATED - Additional character usage information added to Play.HT Setup screen
  • UPDATED - SLC will not announce arrival weather in cabin announcement if you're using MSFS unless you're also using ActiveSky (no more "it is 0 degrees Celsius")
  • UPDATED - Temporaily disabled GSX Cabin Crew until they can fix their crew bus issues
  • UPDATED - WebView2 package from 1.0.2210.55 to 1.0.2420.47 to hopefully resolve potential memory leak when viewing IFE on aircraft layout window
  • FIXED - Updated ElevenLabs API wrapper so no crash if Preview URL not specified
  • FIXED - SLC will no longer crash on startup on some machines which do not have TextToSpeech installed (usually non-English / American setups)
  • FIXED - SLC should no longer crash just after loading has completed if the Flight Progress window is open
  • FIXED - SLC will no longer ask for permission to open doors etc if GSX boarding has already been started / requested
  • FIXED - Potential crash when starting flight if state not set correctly and flight progress window open

Version Changelog Released 15th August 2024

  • ADDED - Support for Play.HT Cloned Voice API
  • ADDED - Support for summoning cabin crew to intercom over the PA system
  • ADDED - Captain Voicepack Sound > CaptainCabinCrewToIntercom + Scripts
  • ADDED - Option to allow door statuses to be set immediately instead of having to wait for cabin crew to traverse the aircraft. Improves sync with GSX, etc.
  • ADDED - "Immediate Door Status Sync" toggle button to Door Management Window
  • ADDED - Right-click SLC main button to quickly show/hide all open sub-windows
  • ADDED - Separated IFE Window (open from the Aircraft Layout Window)
  • ADDED - Voice recognition slider to control minimum accuracy threshold (Settings > Voices > Captain > Voice Control)
  • UPDATED - Play.HT Voice API Requests forced to use UTF-8 Encoding
  • UPDATED - More leniency on Taxi Scoring when announcement is not made and aircraft has not moved for a while.
  • UPDATED - Window sizes and scales are rectified to improve consistency in text sizes across windows
  • UPDATED - Removed IFE display from Aircraft Layout window
  • UPDATED - Speech recognition much more efficient, and threshold adjusted for phrase recognition to reduce false positives
  • UPDATED - Performance improvement across the application
  • UPDATED - Speech recognition cache rebuilding much more efficient based on active comms system.
  • UPDATED - Checklist items are now aligned properly on the checklist screen
  • UPDATED - Speech recognition accuracy improved along with threshold adjustment setting added above.
  • UPDATED - Improved GSX availability syncronisation
  • UPDATED - Crew will no longer randomly wander round as much and will spend more time in the kitchen or galley areas when not busy.
  • UPDATED - Separated logic for PMDG 737-600, 700, 800, 900 variants for doors, API, seatbelt sign, etc
  • UPDATED - Setting Kitchen ambience sound volume much more CPU efficient
  • UPDATED - Setting "Passenger in Vicinity" sound volume much more CPU efficient
  • UPDATED - Music volume fading much more CPU efficient
  • UPDATED - Passenger shouting and screaming sound volume now much more CPU efficient
  • UPDATED - Boarding ambience volume control much more CPU efficient
  • UPDATED - Scoring calculation deferred from main CPU thread to improve efficiency
  • UPDATED - Voice Providers have a 10 second maximum timeout to respond.
  • UPDATED - Dragging UI windows will be much more CPU efficient
  • UPDATED - FSUIPC Monitor shifted to separate CPU thread for more efficiency
  • UPDATED - Cabin Movements processing shifted to separate CPU thread for more efficiency
  • UPDATED - Aisle lighting on cabin layout window now reflects the overhead lighting of associated seats in the lighting zone
  • UPDATED - Expected Lighting adjustments, emergency lighting ALWAYS expected to be FULL unless in Climb / Cruise / Descent
  • UPDATED - Cabin Lighting Scoring will only be taken into account if Automation is turned OFF, and 60 seconds have passed in the relevant phase of flight.
  • UPDATED - WIFI Scoring will only be taken into account if Automation is turned OFF, and 60 seconds have passed in the relevant phase of flight.
  • UPDATED - Locked Toilets scoring will only be taken into account if Automation is turned OFF, and 60 seconds have passed in the relevant phase of flight
  • UPDATED - Notification icon will not show yellow/orange items unrelated to the cabin crew once seats for takeoff is announced, so that cabin crew seating status can be seen while lining up.
  • UPDATED - "ESTIMATED IN 00 MINUTES" will now show "EXPECTED NOW" on Flight Progress window
  • UPDATED - Aircraft selection dropdowns now show a preloader when populating
  • FIXED - If cabin crew are not seated when you go over 30kts before takeoff (triggering the takeoff roll state) but you do not proceed to takeoff, the score item for Cabin Crew being seated for takeoff will be reset until the next takeoff attempt.
  • FIXED - Cabin Crew Seated score during After Takeoff phase will now only be affected negatively if you did not tell them to "be seated" prior to takeoff since you cannot directly control whether or not they stay in their seats - you've done your bit after-all.
  • FIXED - Ground Crew will no longer disconnect from comms before the passengers have deboarded even if they've already finished unloading the aircraft baggage.
  • FIXED - Ground Crew will no longer make a reminder to record your VA flight if they've already disconnected from comms after unloading baggage.
  • FIXED - MadDogX is now correctly detected again in MSFS (sorry about that!)
  • FIXED - ElevenLabs import crash when type ElevenLabsTurboV25 or Gender unspecified
  • FIXED - ElevenLabs voices import should be more robust with missing (but expected) information from API
  • FIXED - Painting of MSFS Close button (if using NoCloseMSFS built-in functionality) will now work as expected when restarting SLC if the simulator menu has previously been adjusted.
  • FIXED - Passengers will no longer react to (and narration text will no longer show for) announcements which are replaced by Fenix announcements.
  • FIXED - Purser name will only update once during the flight instead of continuously in certain cases
  • FIXED - Preloader will now show on the Scoring Checklist window while it loads

Version Changelog Released 17th August 2024

  • UPDATED - Crew Report will no longer show "Covid-19 Announcement is playing"
  • UPDATED - Crew Report will show "Airline Announcement In Progress" when a Soundpack announcement is playing
  • UPDATED - Crew Report will show "PED Announcement playing" when Crew are welcoming passengers onboard.
  • UPDATED - Expected overhead lighting status when parking is now FULL
  • UPDATED - Passenger negative/warning status display (on progress icon, extended toolbar) are now suspended during takeoff and landing when SeatsForTakeoff and SeatsForLanding have been called, so you can monitor crew seating status.
  • FIXED - Cabin music now fades out/in correctly when Cabin announcements are made from Cabin Crew
  • FIXED - Cabin music now fades out/in correctly when Cabin announcements are playing from Soundpack
  • FIXED - WIFI suspending correctly when Soundpack announcements playing
  • FIXED - A potential crash when the safety announcement file is unavailable, corrupted or otherwise fails to play successfully.
  • FIXED - A potential crash when recording Turbulence and FSUIPC did not report data correctly
  • FIXED - A potential crash when determining turbulence average when debug window was open and FSUIPC failed to report information
  • FIXED - Issue with complex announcements taking over 60 seconds to complete causing them to be cut off in some cases.
  • FIXED - ComplexAnnouncement dynamic settings now being applied again (delays, fuelling, etc) in automatic comms mode.
  • FIXED - Aircraft "in-cockpit" comms systems state sometimes unable to be detected due to new FSUIPC thread.
  • FIXED - System.InvalidExceptionError (which was being handled correctly) due to FSUIPC thread failing, improving performance.

Version Changelog Released 26th August 2024

  • ADDED - Support for MSFS FSS Embraer 1xx Series cockpit seatbelt sign switch
  • ADDED - Indicator on main SLC button when processing API voices
  • ADDED - Indicator on main SLC button when starting flight
  • UPDATED - Separated code for Fenix variations so each are independently supported going forwards (A319/A320/A321)
  • UPDATED - SLC UI will no longer "freeze" while voice API requests are being processed
  • UPDATED - Adjusted truncated text of departure/arrival airport names on flight progress screen [WIP, UI being revamped]
  • UPDATED - Startup procedure reworked so UI is not stuck in "frozen" state while performing initial actions.
  • UPDATED - Removed "Please wait..." overlay when starting new flight
  • UPDATED - "Setup Flight Plan" button disabled while aircraft layout dropdowns populate from server
  • UPDATED - SimBrief Importer will now show loading indicator while processing
  • FIXED - {aircraftName} TTS variable will no longer be preceded by the aircraft ICAO code
  • FIXED - Potential crash on takeoff if GForces hadn't previously been recorded and comms window was open
  • FIXED - Issue with Cabin Crew sometimes repeating themselves when summoned to Intercom via PA
  • FIXED - "Cabin Crew to Intercom" event will only ever be acted upon if crew are actually onboard the aircraft

FeedbackIn Progress

There will be a feedback period in responding to any major issues that are reported after the release of v1.6.4.5 before extensive development begins on v1.6.4.6 and subsequently v1.7. This will allow any possible issues to be rectified immediately.

Version 1.7Throughout Q4 2024 onwards

Version 1.7 will concentrate on bringing a new level of interactivity to the simulator, expanding on the interaction and scoring capabilities now built into the application with real-time incidents, responses and decision-making using the capabilities and limitations of your aircraft and crew.

Passenger to Passenger Interactions

Technical Issues & Performance Ratings

Emergency Procedures & Ratings

Medical Issue Scenarios & Ratings

Cabin Crew Satisfaction System

Release Plan

This will be an iterative release cycle rather than all in one big chunk (which obviously did not work for anyone with v1.6). As such, items will be made available as and when they're ready as a "point release". Hopefully that will keep the application fresh as time goes on, and the pitchforks + torches from being taken out of their cupbards ... :)

Interim Translation Release After v1.7 Releases

There will be a release of the software to translate all of the current functionality into multiple languages across the user interface now that the client application is more-or-less finalised

Languages are still to be determined but may be opened up to the community so that they can be localised correctly rather than translated via Google/Bing

End of Early Access Programme After Translation Release

At this point the core of product will have reached maturity and early access pricing will no longer be available.

Version 1.8Planning Phase

Version 1.8 will be concentrating on the development of the online portal system which will take your flight reports to the next level and allow you to automatically participate in an airline ranking system, as well as earn Xp and money based on your pilot scoring and passenger transportation (tickets, fuel, onboard services etc)

Online Portal Development

Feedback IterationAfter 1.8 Release

There will be a two-week feedback period for any issues that are reported after the release of v1.8 before extensive development begins on v1.9. This will allow any possible issues to be rectified and deployed quickly.

Version 1.9Planning Phase

Multi-Platform Support (May not be possible or with reduced features)

Do you have an idea you don't see here?

Your feedback and ideas are very much encouraged. Please e-mail me with what you have in mind.

All Future VersionsContinous Iteration

A number of features within Self-Loading Cargo will be continually updated as development progresses to improve the product further regardless of the planned features for that particular release.

Default Soundpack

In version 1.5 support for unlimited randomised sounds was introduced for every event within the application - such as welcome announcements, departure problems etc.

Moving forward, each iteration of the application will have more and more of these sounds added to help increase the variety and randomness of your flights.

You are of course free to create your own soundpacks, but the default ones will compliment them creating a truly immersive experience.

Additional Cabin Configurations

In version 1.5 support for accurate cabin layouts was introduced to allow the direct simulation of the interior of your chosen aircraft. Moving forward, the number of these will be increased as demand requires, along with more and more configurations for specific airlines out of the box.

Simulation Tweaking

Because such a complex simulation is going on beneath the hood, from time to time there may need to be some tweaks to take various scenarios into account (for instance passengers getting way too bored during taxi during the night if it's cloudy) - for this reason, consider it a "fluid" simulation at the moment which will be tweaked as versions and hotfixes are released to make it as perfect as possible.

Your feedback is encouraged if you notice anything spurious or if you feel something is not right!